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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2019-06-11 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  How to Avoid Scar on Copper Door
  In our life, we will stutter, bronze is the same, if there are scars often will make customers feel a little trouble, but also affect the aesthetics of bronze as a whole, bronze manufacturers also have a lot of trouble, for this reason, the small edition here tells you how to avoid scars of bronze.
  1. 我们应该避免碰撞一些尖锐的东西,尽量不把一些重物放在它们上面,小心不要用力开门或关门。
  1. We should avoid colliding with sharp objects, try not to put some heavy objects on them, and be careful not to force the door open or close.
  2. 开关门时尽量避免手上有水渍。不要用手太用力,否则会缩短门的使用寿命。
  2. When closing the door, try to avoid water stains on your hands. Don't use your hands too hard, otherwise it will shorten the service life of the door.
  3. If there is a stain on the copper door, don't wipe it with a hard cloth. The hard cloth will scratch the surface of the copper film on the door. We should wipe it with a soft cloth. If the stain is very heavy, we suggest using a cleaner. The Cleaner agent should choose neutral yo, or toothpaste and other cleaners.
  4. 在春天和冬天,我们应该记得打开窗户,保持房间的通风和室内的温度相对稳定,从而保持铜门在一个稳定的状态。
  4. In spring and winter, we should remember to open windows to keep the ventilation and temperature of the room relatively stable, so as to keep the copper door in a stable state.
  5. 在家里或商店粉刷墙壁时,要把铜门盖上,以免东西掉在铜门上,影响美观。
  5. When painting the walls at home or in stores, first of all, cover the copper doors so as not to drop things on the copper doors and affect the beauty.
  You know how to avoid the scars on the copper doors. For more information about the copper doors in Shandong, please pay attention to our website //
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