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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2018-10-20 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Small details of Ji'nan copper door installation
After the installation of the copper door, it often gives people a sense of magnanimity, and also provides a decent respect for their owners. General installations work with professional masters, installations and precautions for copper doors.
First remove the door leaf, put the door frame into the door and use the horizontal ruler and line to see whether it is straight. If it is not fair, use wood chips.
In the gap between the doorframe and the wall, all pieces of wood should be stuffed to ensure that the door frame is stable. When the device is installed, the cement mortar should be poured into the door frame, and the cement mortar can be used after the wood chips outside the door crack are taken out after the cement mortar is solidified and dry.
Generally Jinan copper doors in the manufacturing process, there will be paint treatment on the surface, this step is mainly for maintenance effect. The paint on the outside of the door has a good maintenance effect on the material inside the door, so the process of the door device should be very careful not to let hard or sharp objects collide with the door, otherwise the paint will scratch or even fall, it will make the original data exposed for a long time, and the oxygen in the air will have a reaction and Rust affects beauty.
Although copper itself is corrosion-resistant and oxidation-resistant relatively strong, but in the copper door device, the construction site as far as possible do not present high oxidation, strong corrosive chemicals, avoid and the direct touch of the copper door. If the chemicals are not carefully touched on the surface of the product, wash it with clean water immediately and then dry it with a soft clean cloth. If necessary, the cleaning agent can be sprayed on the surface of the copper door for cleaning and maintenance.
The new copper door usually has a layer of peritoneal paper, which is used to maintain products. It is not necessary to remove the peritoneum paper at the time of the installation so as to prevent the door from being damaged. For example, in the decoration of the wall, painted wall falling cement and paint and other chemical substances, stained on the copper door, a simple time from black spots to rust. The bottom frame of the copper door should also be maintained well, and the U groove can be made of wood.
If there is wall cleaning, it is necessary to use plastic film to seal the door before cleaning the wall. Especially some decoration information is more special, such as marble wall, cleaning time to use oxalic acid and other chemicals will severely damage the product, so this kind of material can not touch the appearance of the copper door.
In order to prevent the film will adhere to the copper door, after the completion of the device to remove the film in time, in order not to affect the beautiful, as far as possible within 30 days to deal with.
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