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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-11-21 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1. 设计:根据客户需求和设计要求,绘制铜门的设计图纸,确定门的形状、尺寸、图案和装饰等
1. Design: Draw design drawings for copper doors based on customer needs and design requirements, and determine the shape, size, pattern, and decoration of the doors
2. 材料准备:选择高质量的铜材料,并进行切割和锯齿处理,以准备制作门框和门扇的铜板
2. Material preparation: Select high-quality copper material and perform cutting and sawtooth treatment to prepare for the production of copper plates for door frames and leaves
3. 冲压和成型:使用的冲床和模具,将铜板进行冲压和成型,按照设计图纸的要求制作出门框和门扇的形状
3. Stamping and Forming: Use professional punching machines and molds to punch and shape the copper plate, and make the shape of the door frame and leaf according to the requirements of the design drawings
4. 焊接和连接:将门框和门扇的各个零部件进行焊接和连接,确保门的整体结构牢固
4. Welding and connection: Weld and connect the various components of the door frame and door leaf to ensure the overall structure of the door is firm
5. 抛光和表面处理:对铜门进行抛光处理,使其表面光滑。同时,可以进行表面处理,如喷涂或镀层,增加铜门的美观度和耐久度
5. Polishing and surface treatment: Polish the copper door to make its surface smooth. At the same time, surface treatments such as spraying or plating can be carried out to enhance the aesthetics and durability of copper doors
6. 雕刻和装饰:根据设计要求,在门扇上进行雕刻和装饰,如图案、花纹或文字等
6. Carving and decoration: According to design requirements, carve and decorate the door leaf, such as patterns, patterns, or text
7. 装配和安装:将门扇和门框进行装配,并进行必要的调试和检验,确保门的正常运行和使用8. 质量检验和包装:对制作完成的铜门进行质量检验,确保其符合相关标准和要求。然后进行包装,以保护铜门在运输和安装过程中不受损坏
7. Assembly and installation: Assemble the door leaf and frame, and conduct necessary debugging and inspection to ensure the normal operation and use of the door Quality inspection and packaging: Conduct quality inspection on the completed copper door to ensure that it meets relevant standards and requirements. Then package to protect the copper door from damage during transportation and installation
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