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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-11-04 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
beplay登录入口 铜型材凹陷处理方案
Solution for concave treatment of copper profiles for rotary doors
1. Using a vacuum machine to suction the depression under negative pressure is only suitable for rotating copper door profiles of metal sheets. If the metal sheet is thick, it is not suitable.
2. High strength magnet. As the middle of the door is empty, a neodymium iron boron strong magnet can be used to introduce the hollow part. The outer part is guided by a weak magnetic wire to make the concave strong magnet, and the outer part is attracted by a high strength magnet, which can lift a copper concave with a thickness of about 1mm. If the thickness is higher, the third method is used.
3. Weld copper branches at the concave part of the rotating copper door profile as the focus, and use hydraulic or wheel assembly for strong traction to lift the concave part of the copper plate.
Copper door
注意:以上方法应由专人操作,不可私下操作,以免损坏beplay登录入口 不能正常运行。
Attention: The above methods should be operated by a dedicated person and cannot be operated privately to avoid damage to the revolving door and prevent it from functioning properly.
Cleaning method for rotating copper door glass:
1. 用软布或软纸,加入酒精或白酒浸泡后的水玻璃先擦一遍,然后蘸一些粉笔用干净的布擦一遍干净。
1. Wipe the water glass soaked in alcohol or Baijiu with soft cloth or paper, then dip some chalk and clean it with a clean cloth.
2. 擦洗玻璃时,先涂一层白垩水或石膏粉水,干了再用干布擦拭,既易擦污,又易上光。
2. When cleaning glass, first apply a layer of chalk water or gypsum powder water, and then dry it with a dry cloth, which is easy to stain and polish.
Adding some indigo to the water will make the glass more shiny.
First, use a damp cloth to remove the dust, and then rub the waste newspaper into balls on the glass. The ink on the newspaper can quickly wipe the glass clean. When the glass on the door is stained with oil, use a cloth or cotton to drop some kerosene or Baijiu and gently wipe it to make it bright, clean and bright.
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