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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2019-04-19 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
  In order to distinguish between true and false bronze doors, the identification methods of true and false bronze doors should be realized. First of all, we should know what is called false bronze doors. At present, there are several kinds of false bronze doors in the market.
  (1)合同签订的铜板厚度和铜板实际生产误差,由于铜的高密度8.9T / m3,从6万-700万/吨,0.1mm误差,工厂成本节省150元
  (1) The thickness of the copper sheet and the actual production error of the copper sheet signed in the contract are due to the high density of 8.9 T/m3, the price is from 60,000 to 7 million tons, and the error is 0.1 mm. The cost of the factory is saved by 150 yuan.
  (2) Copper-aluminium composite plate, the surface copper thickness is generally 0.1 mm-0.2 mm;
  (3) Copper composite plate, the surface copper thickness is generally 0.12mm-0.15mm;
  (4) Stainless steel electroplating, the surface copper thickness is generally 0.3? 0.4 um.
  The copper plate doors above are collectively called pseudo-copper doors. The surface is made of pure copper. It is impossible for ordinary people to distinguish and introduce several methods for your reference.
  1. Conditions permit the use of equipment testing. Instrument Name: Plate Thickness Measuring Instrument, which measures the sound speed of all materials according to different materials. The price of the equipment is 3500 yuan. Many manufacturers are online.
  2. Because the general private users do not have the above conditions, now for the above four kinds of fake bronze doors. In order to save the cost of making copper from thin copper sheet, the general copper gate factory has adopted the following specific methods:
  (1) The door frame can be seen, using folding machine folding edge knife edge, so that it looks very thick, but the eyes can see, because the two layers of copper overlap together, circular arc, real single copper edge presents 90 degrees of right angle, while in the corner of the battle can clearly see the thin phenomenon.
  (2) Copper plate doors are generally embossed with 0.25mm-0.4mm soft copper (only 0.25mm-0.4mm for the back door of central copper plate, if customers need flower models to recommend the corrosion process.
  (3) The packaging of the installation surface of the door is removed, leaving the copper door more than 5 meters, and the light detection of 0.8 mm above the copper plate is done without the next wave of light. On the contrary, there is a clear wave if the sun is stronger in direct summer.
  (4) Copper and steel composite panel measurement is more convenient for direct use of iron. A small magnet is used because the 9mm door is closed outside the copper door frame and the iron frame. For example, the suction surface of the suction stone is only due to suction when the suction stone is measured in a test with large suction stone for too long.
  (5)铜和铝复合板,铜铝由于两种材料的密度差异过大,铜8.9T / m3,铝2.7T / m3,用手指敲击听到声音,纯铜拍打声音沉闷,铜和铝复合板击败了声音的颤抖。
  (5) Copper and aluminium clad plates, copper and aluminium clad plates, because the density difference between the two materials is too large, copper 8.9T/m3, aluminium 2.7T/m3, with finger tapping to hear the sound, pure copper clapping sound dull, copper and aluminium clad plates defeated the sound tremor.
  (6) Stainless steel electroplating, because the coating is too thin, the surface and brush are very different, pure copper is different, can not be repaired.
  The above description or a little professional. The simplest way: the user cuts off any front line installed in front of the door with a knife. Because all the lines are covered with glass, just remove a little bit and remove the glass after pasting, while the brass door is manually mounted on the frame, more than 0.8mm hard on the contrary is relatively soft when you look separated, look at the copper plate part.
  When buying copper doors, we should pay attention to the following points: obviously lower than the market price is certainly false. The power and responsibility of both parties must be clearly defined in the signing of the contract. If copper is not thicker than the thickness of the factory, any liability shall be assumed. User detection methods: methods (the above teaching methods) and so on.
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