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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-10-24 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Its appearance is quite tall, elegant and noble, full of a sense of history. Moreover, copper doors have excellent fire resistance and a very high safety factor. However, its price may be slightly expensive, but if you are someone who values quality and safety, this is definitely a great choice!
Then, let's take a look at the cast aluminum door. Its appearance looks modern, sturdy and durable, and its rust resistance is also quite strong. Moreover, cast aluminum doors have good sound insulation performance, which can bring you a quiet living environment. Although its safety is slightly inferior to copper doors, it will be relatively affordable in price, suitable for those who are price sensitive but also pay attention to quality.
So the question arises, what kind of door should we choose? In fact, there is no unique answer to this question, as the final choice depends on your personal preferences and financial ability. If you are a person who pursues quality and safety, then copper doors are undoubtedly your best choice; If you are sensitive to price while also focusing on quality, then cast aluminum doors are your best choice.
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