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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-07-19 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The main advantages of copper doors
From the name, it can be seen that copper doors are more secure than wooden and glass doors. Firstly, the material used for copper doors is more stable than wooden doors. Secondly, most copper doors on the market are equipped with complete anti-theft functions, with fully qualified quality and guaranteed home safety
Copper doors also have strong practicality. As a metal material, copper has high stability, corrosion resistance, and is not easily deformed. It is an ideal material for doors
Copper doors have a bright and long-lasting luster due to the use of copper as the basic material. In addition, copper doors often come with exquisite patterns and reliefs, which have high artistic value
Copper doors, due to their inherent stability, do not have particularly high requirements for later maintenance and rarely require time to maintain them
虽然在铜门的优势中说明了铜门几乎很少需要维护,但并不代表完全不需要。接下来就和大家讲讲 济南铜门的保养问题:
Although the advantages of copper doors indicate that they rarely require maintenance, it does not necessarily mean that they are completely unnecessary. Next, let's talk about the maintenance issues of Jinan copper doors:
When using copper doors, do not hang heavy objects on the door leaf or avoid sharp objects from scratching or scratching. When opening or closing the door leaf, do not frequently use excessive force or opening angle to avoid damaging the copper door
Do not frequently use hands with water stains (or other solutions) to open the door lock to avoid discoloration. When opening the door lock or turning the door lock handle, do not use excessive force to reduce the service life of the door lock.
Hardware accessories such as hinges and door locks that frequently move should be tightened immediately when they become loose. When the door lock does not open properly, you can add an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam to the keyhole, and remember to lubricate it with something like cooking oil.
When removing stains on the surface of copper doors (such as fingerprints), it is recommended to dampen them with air and wipe them with a soft cloth. Hard cloth can easily scratch the surface. When the stains are too heavy, neutral cleaning agents, toothpaste, or furniture specific cleaning agents can be used. After cleaning, immediately wipe them clean.
铜门的棱角处不要经常磨擦,以免造成棱角处饰面材料褪色破损。为保持铜门表面光泽和使用寿命,应定期进行清洁、除尘,可使用专用的养护液对其表面进行养护。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询!
Do not rub the edges and corners of the copper door frequently to avoid fading and damage to the decorative materials at the edges and corners. To maintain the surface luster and service life of copper doors, regular cleaning and dust removal should be carried out, and special curing solution can be used to cure their surface. For more related matters, come to our website // consulting service
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