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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-07-14 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
In daily life, the copper doors of villas are often bumped and bumped, ranging from paint damage to dents. If the paint falls off, it can still be repaired completely by a professional repairman, but it is much harder to handle dents.
The repair methods for copper doors in villas usually include polishing, polishing, shaping, and painting, which are simple damages. But once there is a depression, it is difficult to repair the copper door.
Repairing the depression is also a very difficult step, and there are two methods:
1. Use the negative pressure of a vacuum machine to suck up the depression. This method is only suitable for copper doors with thinner sheet metal. If the sheet metal is thicker, it is not suitable. The following method can be used.
2. Weld multiple copper branches at the concave part of the copper door as the point of application, and use hydraulic pressure or wheel changing group for strong traction to lift the concave part of the copper plate.
同砂轮将修复的 济南铜门凹陷打磨平整,有弧线或者棱角的位置一定要和门的整体形象统一,如果有焊接铜枝,先把铜枝打磨掉,然后再进一步打磨平整。
Grind the repaired Jinan copper door depression flat with the same grinding wheel. The positions with arcs or edges must be consistent with the overall image of the door. If there are welded copper branches, first polish them off, and then further polish them flat.
Coloring, using the coloring corrosion solution used in the production of copper doors to ensure uniform color throughout the entire copper door.
Spray paint, using the same name or color of copper door protective paint for spray protection, and thus the repair of the entire copper door depression is completed.
除了上述所说的方法之外,那就是直接将凹陷位置的铜板换掉,也是处理铜门凹陷比较大,上述方法解决不了的办法,成本相对来说比较高。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询吧!
In addition to the methods mentioned above, that is to directly replace the copper plate at the concave position, which is also a solution to the large concave copper door that cannot be solved by the above methods, and the cost is relatively high. For more related matters, come to our website // Consult!
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