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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2019-03-26 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
核心提示:铜门保养小妙招 妙招一、自制弹性挡门块。家居的铜门常常要开关,当铜门打开后,往往直接抵撞着墙,时间久了,门上的锁盒和拉手容易在墙面上碰出印痕,损坏墙和铜门,影响美观。
Core tips: Copper door maintenance subtle tricks, self-made elastic block. Home copper doors often have to be switched on and off. When the copper doors are opened, they often collide directly with the wall. For a long time, lock boxes and handles on the doors are prone to bump into marks on the wall, damaging the walls and copper doors and affecting the beauty.
Copper Gate Maintenance Tips
Magic trick 1. Self-made elastic door block. Home copper doors often have to be switched on and off. When the copper doors are opened, they often collide directly with the wall. For a long time, lock boxes and handles on the doors are prone to bump into marks on the wall, damaging the walls and copper doors and affecting the beauty.
The second trick is to use a soft cloth to wipe away the stains on the surface of the copper door (such as fingerprints). It is easy to scratch the surface with hard cloth. When the stain is too heavy, neutral detergent, toothpaste or furniture detergent can be used. After decontamination, clean it immediately. Don't rub the edges and corners of the copper door frequently, so as not to cause discoloration and damage of the decorative materials at the edges and corners.
The most important thing to protect the copper door is to protect the paint on the surface of the door. Avoid collisions with sharp, hard objects. The paint on the surface of the copper door has a good protective effect on the internal material of the copper door. If the paint on the surface falls off, the electrolytic plate inside will be exposed outside, reacting with oxygen in the air, and rusting, affecting the beauty.
Fourth, if the copper door has been installed during the decoration period, please do not rush to remove the peritoneal paper. Because of the chemical substances such as cement and paint falling on the copper door when painting, it is easy to get black spots and rust. And the peritoneal paper can not be long on the copper door, which is easy to stick to the door for a long time, resulting in damage to the paint on the outside of the door, so the peritoneal paper should be torn off within seven days.
Fifth, when daily maintenance of copper doors, it is best to wipe them with dry towels. Never use a detergent that will damage the paint when cleaning to prevent damage to the protective layer on the surface of the copper door. When the copper door is switched on and off in daily life, it should be switched on slowly instead of too hard, which can prevent the copper door from colliding with other things and crashing the protective layer of the surface.
Sixth, if there is oil stain on doors and windows, neutral detergent should be used to wash them off. Copper doors are naturally anticorrosive, but they are prone to chemical changes when they encounter large amounts of sulphur and sulphide. So, you need to be reminded
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