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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2019-03-22 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper doors are more durable than ordinary doors
Copper is an extremely stable metal. Its corrosion resistance is very high. It only needs to be treated by conventional methods. However, although copper doors are naturally corrosion-resistant, they are prone to chemical changes when they encounter large amounts of sulphur and sulphide. Therefore, the demand reminds you that if the copper door is used outdoors, such as villa doors, it should be wrapped in the outer frame of the door, to avoid rain and snow, to avoid sulfide corrosion in precipitation.
In fact, the reason why bronze doors are popular is largely related to their delicate decoration, which is bronze art. As an ancient art, copper art is used on copper doors, mainly some patterns and ominous patterns after relief, hollowing out and forging. Comparing with the classic animals, dragons, tigers, phoenixes, tortoises, four God beasts, lions, unicorns, deer, cranes, mandarin ducks and other flowers and plants, or the general pattern of text decoration complements each other, expressing people's wonderful wishes to ward off evil, exorcise evil and pray for good fortune. In addition, some European style bronze doors also create western architectural decorative elements in detail. For example, on both sides of the bronze doors, many classical Greek and Roman pillar styles, such as Doric, Ionic, Collins, Tarskan and Compound, are used. The overall feeling is gorgeous.
In terms of applicability, copper doors are more durable than ordinary doors, not only do they not have deformation and cracking problems, but also have high-tech locks, better anti-theft performance and longer service life.
Nowadays, more and more copper doors are used in the center. Some people will think when they buy them. What is the use of the copper doors I buy, what is the use of the copper doors, and what are the characteristics and advantages of the copper doors? Now let's talk about the copper decoration by Xiaobian.
1. Benefit forever. Copper is always copper, and will remain unchanged for generations to come. In today's world, merit is in the long run, and ultimately will only appreciate, and future generations will benefit.
2. Anti-theft is strong. Professional high-grade anti-theft locks, heaven and earth safety bolts, door seam light and dark bolts, invisible lock body and core outside, are standard built-in locks.
3. Compare with stainless steel door. Copper doors are 40% more expensive than copper doors in terms of cost and processing fee of stainless steel compared with market price and copper cost and processing and market price.
4. Compared with high-grade solid wood doors, solid wood doors sometimes spend money but don't buy the wood they really want. There are too many simulations on the market today.
5. Wooden doors are suitable for indoor use, not for outdoor access. If two houses are in the same place, they spend the same price to make the outdoor scenery and garden of the house, the only one chooses copper doors, the other chooses wooden doors or stainless steel doors. The same input, the harvest is different. Installed with copper doors is high-grade, appears to have a hierarchy, while wooden doors seem to be much shorter... This reminds me of an old saying that the facade of a house is as important as that of a person.
6. Bronze Gate, as explained in the dictionary: Golden Gate, Golden Horse Gate. As it is copper, copper is the third precious metal after gold and silver.
7. As the saying goes, "Things are precious when they are scarce". High-ranking, luxurious bronze door, highlighting the status of aristocracy, rising taste, high value.
8. Benefit. How can we say "affordable" for a square of several thousand yuan? The purchase of copper doors is equivalent to 50% of the total price of copper, 15% of the internal rack and configuration information.
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