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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-05-15 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The copper door itself is a luxurious type of entrance door. From the perspective of appearance, it is calm and heavy, giving people a sense of solemnity, with classical style and profound cultural connotations; From the perspective of practicality and safety, copper metal is stable, not easily corroded, does not deform or crack, is more durable, and has high anti-theft performance. In the past, it was often used in deep residential areas. It is now widely used in apartments and villas.
color effects
The Shandong copper door itself has a gentle warm color, and copper elements can absorb ultraviolet rays from the sun. The small pits on the surface of the copper door can form diffuse reflection, which is not easy to cause visual fatigue to the eyes. If the entrance door you choose is a copper door, its unique luster and texture are incomparable to other materials of doors.
Grain organization
The copper door looks very smooth, and the patterns on it are also very clear. It is luxurious and atmospheric, and the overall appearance is very coordinated, with a good three-dimensional sense. Since the Xia Dynasty, Chinese people have been using bronze ware, and to this day, copper products still have their own brilliance. As a classic project, copper doors themselves carry a strong classical atmosphere.
Copper doors are not easily corroded or deformed, so they do not require much maintenance in daily life. The density of solid copper doors made from all solid copper processing is very high, which also results in their large weight. And the solid copper door has good sound absorption performance, so the sound insulation effect is good.
The anti-theft performance of copper doors is very good. Not only will they be equipped with advanced anti-theft locks and safety latches, but their lock cylinders cannot be seen outside the door. They are equipped with built-in locks, so as an entry door, the safety is very high, making them perfect for villas and apartments.
正是因为以上铜门的诸多优点,刺激着入户门市场销量的提升,也为铜门市场的发展提供更多的商机和广阔的空间,刺激着入户门企业之间激烈竞争,创新科技发展,带给我们更多铜门乐趣享受。您有需求就来咨询我们 //www.doveish.com把!
It is precisely because of the many advantages of the above copper doors that they stimulate the increase in sales in the entrance door market, provide more business opportunities and broad space for the development of the copper door market, stimulate fierce competition among entrance door enterprises, innovate technological development, and bring us more fun and enjoyment of copper doors. If you have any needs, please come and consult us // Put it!
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