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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-04-07 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
与其他铁门相比,别墅铜门的化学性能要稳定得多,不易损坏。但是铜门的铜板比较软,一旦被硬物撞击,就会有划痕。出现划痕后要及时解决,并采取正规的处理方法,否则时间长了就会氧化出现铜绿。跟着 山东铜门厂家看看怎么处理吧!
Compared with other iron doors, the chemical properties of copper doors in villas are much more stable and not easily damaged. But the copper plate of the copper door is relatively soft, and once it is hit by a hard object, there will be scratches. After scratches appear, they should be promptly resolved and formal treatment methods should be adopted, otherwise over time, copper green will oxidize and appear. Follow the Shandong copper door manufacturer to see how to handle it!
The simple operation method of the home version: polish the damaged local impurities with fine sandpaper, and then girls like to use nail polish or paint the wound surface, which can effectively eliminate the oxidation of the copper door. Disadvantage: This method may cause oxidation after prolonged use. It is recommended to find a professional craftsman or manufacturer for repair.
Professional operation method: Polish small scratches directly with sandpaper, pour professional chemical medicine, and then brush with color. Spray transparent paint on thick areas for protection. Large area scratches can be repaired directly at the factory, or the entire copper plate can be replaced directly. Regardless of the method, it is recommended to have professionals operate it, otherwise the gains and losses outweigh the losses. Disadvantage: High maintenance costs.
If the copper door in our house is accidentally scratched, we need to use a towel to wipe the surface clean in a timely manner, and then isolate the scratched area from the air to avoid oxidation reaction after touching the air. Once the copper door undergoes oxidation, rust cannot be avoided, which greatly reduces the service life of Shandong copper doors. In this case, it is very unfavorable for us.
We can clean the bruised part first, and then apply the nail polish used by our beautiful ladies on the surface of the copper door, or use anti rust oil to isolate the copper plate from the air and reduce the oxidation probability of the copper door.
In daily maintenance, often use cleaning agents to scrub the wound area of the copper door. Do not use cleaning agents with high acid and alkali strength to wipe the surface, and then use a dry towel to dry it. Keeping the wound area dry for a long time can also delay the rusting of the copper door.
For scratches on copper doors caused by hard metal, the first thing we need to do is polish, because the texture of copper is relatively soft compared to iron, and uneven surfaces are prone to appear after scratches. First, use sandpaper to polish it flat.
The surface of copper doors is generally treated with color, and many times they are made into a dark antique copper color. Of course, there are also some individual copper doors that are directly made into the original color, and no matter what, it is a process of adding color. This is quite difficult and usually requires professional copper door manufacturers to handle it.
一般来说,别墅铜的使用性能比较广泛,而且现代技术也很好,所以很多别墅铜门的质量和工艺都很讲究,别墅铜门虽然不需要定期的保养,但是必要的保养还是要做的哦。还有什么疑惑或者需求,就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com做咨询吧!
Generally speaking, villa copper has a wide range of performance and modern technology is also very good, so many villa copper doors are of high quality and craftsmanship. Although villa copper doors do not require regular maintenance, necessary maintenance still needs to be done. If you have any doubts or needs, please come to our website // Do consulting!
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