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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-03-27 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门是一种高档门窗材料,具有美观、耐用、防腐蚀等优点,但在使用 济南铜门时,需要注意以下几点,以避免出现问题:
Copper doors are a high-end door and window material with advantages such as aesthetics, durability, and corrosion resistance. However, when using Jinan copper doors, the following points should be noted to avoid problems:
Avoidance of collision: The surface of the copper door is prone to scratches and deformation, so it is necessary to avoid collision and collision during use, especially when opening and closing the door, it is necessary to gently tap the door leaf to avoid damage to the copper door due to excessive force.
Regular cleaning: After long-term use, dust and dirt will accumulate on the surface of the copper door, affecting its appearance and service life. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the surface of the copper door and apply appropriate maintenance oil to maintain its luster and beauty.
Avoid contact with acid and alkali substances: The surface of copper doors is prone to corrosion and damage by acid and alkali substances, so it is necessary to avoid contact with acid and alkali substances during use, especially when cleaning copper doors, it is necessary to use neutral cleaning agents and avoid using cleaning agents containing acid and alkali components.
Keep dry: Copper doors can rust due to humidity, so it is necessary to keep the interior dry to avoid long-term exposure to moisture.
Regular inspection: After using the copper door for a period of time, it is necessary to regularly inspect the surface and door frame of the copper door for damage or deformation, and timely repair and replace any problems if any.
总之,在使用铜门时,需要注意避免碰撞、定期清洗、避免接触酸碱物质、保持干燥和定期检查等事项,以保证铜门的美观和使用寿命。更多事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询!
In summary, when using copper doors, attention should be paid to avoiding collisions, regular cleaning, avoiding contact with acid and alkali substances, maintaining dryness, and regular inspection to ensure the beauty and service life of the copper doors. For more information, please visit our website // consulting service
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