当前所在位置:首页>>beplay体育备用铜门凹陷怎么有效还原呢? beplay体育备用


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-03-22 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门是人们使用比较多的一种门类产品,它的性能好,抗压能力强,外观美观受到广大用户的欢迎,做好日常维护保养可以延长使用时间,让它的性能在实际应用中充分发挥,但是如果铜门受损就会影响使用,尤其是出现凹陷会直接影响铜门的使用效果,那么对于凹陷的 山东铜门该如何还原呢?
Copper doors are a type of product that is widely used by people. They have good performance, strong compression resistance, and beautiful appearance, which are welcomed by the majority of users. Good daily maintenance can extend the use time and make full use of their performance in practical applications. However, if the copper door is damaged, it will affect its use, especially if there is a depression that directly affects the use effect of the copper door. So how to restore the concave Shandong copper door?
Use the negative pressure of a vacuum machine to suck up the depression. This method is only suitable for copper doors with thinner sheet metal, but it is not suitable if the sheet metal is thicker. Different types of copper doors have different reduction methods. Use a high-strength magnet to suck it up. Since the middle of the door is empty, you can use a neodymium iron boron strong magnet to place it in the hollow part of the door, and use a weakly magnetic iron wire to guide the outside to allow the strong magnet to reach the concave part. Then, use a high-strength electromagnet to attract the outside. You can lift a copper plate concave with a thickness of about 1mm. If the thickness is higher, you need to use the third method.
Weld a plurality of copper sticks at the concave part of the copper door as the point of application, and use hydraulic pressure or wheel changing group for strong traction to lift the concave part of the copper plate. Use the same grinding wheel to smooth the restored recesses. The positions with arcs or edges must be consistent with the overall image of the door. If there are welded copper branches, first polish them off, and then further polish them smooth.
The copper door manufacturer tells you that the maintenance of the copper door is very important, maintaining the integrity of the external paint, preventing bumps and bumps, and causing dents. Users can combine the methods described in the article to handle the problem. If the paint on the surface falls off, it is necessary to brush paint similar to the copper door. Normally, we can use a dry towel to clean it.
而且其都会有一个氧化的过程,铜门也是避免不了,但是比起其他的门,铜门氧化的时间长一些。所以,我们一定要注意保养铜门,正确的方法就可以了,经常做好铜门的清洁保养,可以减少它的氧化时间,提高铜门的使用寿命。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解!
Moreover, there will be an oxidation process in all of them, and copper doors cannot be avoided. However, compared to other doors, copper doors take longer to oxidize. Therefore, we must pay attention to the maintenance of copper doors. The correct method is sufficient. Frequent cleaning and maintenance of copper doors can reduce their oxidation time and improve their service life. For more related matters, please visit our website // Consult and understand!
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