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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-03-10 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
工程铜门的性比较高,不会轻易被外界的因素所破坏,是当前家居住宅的重要产品。装修过程中的工程铜门会有怎样的要点注意?下面 济南铜门厂家为您分析:
The safety of the engineering copper door is relatively high, and it will not be easily damaged by external factors. It is an important product of the current home residence. What key points will be paid attention to in the process of decoration? Jinan copper door manufacturer will analyze for you:
1. The use of steel subframe is for the connection between doors and windows and various walls. It has high requirements for installation accuracy and reliable connection, but the cost of copper doors is high. When polyamine foam caulking agent or other materials are used for joints, dovetail iron feet should be used to replace fixed steel sheets, so as to ensure the connection between doors, windows and walls.
2. When connecting doors and windows with reinforced concrete walls, fixed steel sheet nails or metal expansion bolts can be used. When the steel sheet is used to connect and fix the doors and windows, the side joints around the doors and windows should be filled with cement mortar, which plays a reinforcement role for the doors and windows.
3. The connection between the door and window and the steel structure can adopt the dovetail iron leg welding connection method. The connection between the dovetail iron leg and the steel structure can be adjusted by welding with steel bars or steel angle codes, which is also to ensure that the door and window structure can be fixed.
4. When installing engineering copper doors, it is necessary to measure the size of the door frame. Because the size of the door frame is not measured, it is easy to find that the door is too large to be installed when people choose the engineering copper door. On the contrary, the door frame is too large and the engineering copper door is too small. Although it can be installed, the actual effect is not good. Therefore, the door frame needs to be measured before installation to ensure that the actual effect is not affected.
此外工程铜门如果要发挥出很好的效果,那么就需要安装牢固。如果在安装的时候,没有注意其牢固度,那么就会发现整扇门容易出现脱落的现象。因此,在安装的时候,人们一定要注重对整体的牢度进行关注,保证。您有选购铜门的需求,就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询吧!
In addition, if the engineering copper door is to play a good role, it needs to be installed firmly. If you do not pay attention to its firmness during installation, you will find that the whole door is easy to fall off. Therefore, when installing, people must pay attention to the overall fastness to ensure safety. If you need to buy copper doors, please come to our website // Ask!
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