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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-03-08 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门凹陷如何修复?先要看凹陷面积是否大,因为在所有铜门的日常保养中,凹陷现象是很麻烦的,但是对于 山东铜门厂家来说,这些都不是问题。小编今天就把如何修复铜门凹陷的方法步骤分享给各位读者。
How to repair Tongmen depression? The first thing to see is whether the area of the depression is large, because in the daily maintenance of all copper doors, the depression is very troublesome, but for Shandong copper door manufacturers, these are not problems. Today, the editor will share the methods and steps of how to repair Tongmen depression with readers.
It is also difficult to repair dents. There are three methods:
1. Vacuum with vacuum machine. This method is only applicable to sheet copper doors. Not applicable if the plate is thick.
2. Fix with high-strength magnet. Because the middle of the same door is empty, it can be placed in the hollow part of the door with a strong NdFeB magnet. On the outside, the weak magnetic wire guides the strong magnet to the concave, and then is attracted outward by the high strength electromagnet. A copper depression about 1mm thick can be lifted. If the thickness is large, a third method is required.
3. Weld several copper branch pipes at the depression of the copper door as stress points. The copper plate depression can be eliminated by hydraulic traction or strong wheelset traction.
The second step is to use the same grinding wheel to polish the repaired dents. The position of the arc or fillet must match the overall image of the door. If there is a welded copper branch pipe, the copper branch pipe shall be polished first and then polished.
The third step is to color the copper door with colored corrosion liquid to ensure the uniform color of the whole copper door.
The fourth step is painting. The protective paint for painting shall be the same name or color as the protective paint for copper door. So far, the repair of the entire Tongmen depression has been completed.
看完以上内容,觉得铜门的凹陷还是很好的修复了。关键是要有相应的工具。因此在铜门的维修上有专门的售后服务人员进行的对接,从而达到好的效果。您有需求就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询!
After reading the above contents, I think the depression of Tongmen has been repaired very well. The key is to have corresponding tools. Therefore, there are special after-sales service personnel for professional docking in the maintenance of copper doors, so as to achieve good results. Come to our website if you need // consulting service
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