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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-03-03 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
现在住宅的整体风貌要素不仅仅体现围墙,通道,铜门也在住宅设计中起到重要的作用。无论在新建还是改建工程中各式各样的门不断涌现,但是能够与原有建筑融为一体,相呼应的甚少, 济南铜门的兴起打破了僵局。
At present, the overall style elements of the residence not only reflect the walls, passages and copper doors, but also play an important role in the residential design. No matter in the new construction or reconstruction projects, various doors are emerging, but few can be integrated with the original buildings. The rise of Jinan Copper Gate has broken the deadlock.
1、 The copper door has a fashionable appearance, noble material and bright appearance. What the copper door brings is an inner temperament, not only a luxury on the surface, but also a display of cultural heritage, and of course, a symbol of identity.
2、 The application of copper art is more extensive, with rich relief, hollow-out, forged patterns and auspicious patterns, which can be combined with the overall style of the residence to design the overall style of the copper door and integrate with the residence style.
3、 Copper door is a kind of customized product. It can be made according to the requirements of residents. Large door leaf area, thick copper plate, lock of copper door, large brass handle and large copper handle can be matched separately.
4、 I have to say that in terms of security, the copper door has high-tech locks, and the anti-theft performance is better.
What are the advantages? For example:
1. The copper texture of the copper door is very clear, especially atmospheric. The overall appearance is very harmonious, and the three-dimensional sense is good.
2. The copper door is not easy to bend and deform, and is also corrosion resistant.
3. The color of the copper door is mild and warm, which is not easy to cause visual fatigue of the eyes.
4. The copper door has a strong anti-theft performance. The lock cylinder can not be seen outside the door. It is equipped with a built-in lock. Therefore, the safety of the copper door is high.
5. The copper door can show the grade, and the accessories are safe, expensive and high grade.
6. Copper is a precious metal with good effect.
之所以说铜门在住宅设计中起到重要的作用,归根到底的原因便是该产品的优势多,且对我们的生活起到了良好的影响。如果您有需求就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
The reason why copper doors play an important role in residential design is that the product has many advantages and has a good impact on our lives. Come to our website if you need // Ask about it!
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