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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-02-27 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1. The paint on the outer surface of the copper door has a good maintenance effect on the inner material of the copper door. If the paint on the outer surface is scratched or even scattered, the raw materials will be exposed to the outside for a long time, and the oxygen in the air will react and rust, which will affect the beauty. Therefore, hard and sharp objects are not allowed to collide with the copper door in the process of application.
2、严禁高氧化性,强腐蚀性化学品直接接触 济南铜门,若不慎将化学品接触到铜门外表,请立刻用清水冲洗洁净,并用棉布将水擦干,之后用清洁剂喷涂于铜门外表停止清洁颐养。
2. It is strictly prohibited to directly contact high-oxidizing and corrosive chemicals with Jinan Copper Door. If you accidentally contact the chemicals with the exterior of the copper door, please immediately wash it with clean water, wipe it dry with cotton cloth, and then spray it on the exterior of the copper door with detergent to stop cleaning and recuperating.
3. In the process of decoration, do not remove the peritoneum paper in a hurry to avoid damage to the product. Due to the cement, paint and other chemicals falling on the copper door during painting, it is easy to get black spots and rust; The lower frame should also be made of U-shaped groove made of wood to stop maintenance. If your wall needs to stop cleaning, please use plastic film to seal and maintain before cleaning the wall. Because chemicals used to clean the wall (especially marble wall), such as oxalic acid, will seriously damage the product, it is strictly prohibited that such substances contact the product surface.
4. Do not apply various grease substances in the lock hole to prevent the lock hole from being blocked. If the door leaf cannot be opened normally or there are other application problems, contact the manufacturer in time.
5. Do not open and close the door leaf with excessive force. Do not open the door leaf by force.
6. After the copper door is installed, remove the protective film on the product surface within 30 days to avoid affecting the appearance.
7. Avoid being exposed to rain and direct sunlight as much as possible. If it is often exposed to rain or direct sunlight, it will shorten the appearance service life of the copper door. If the copper door may be exposed to rain or direct sunlight after installation, it is recommended to install a canopy.
需要提醒大家的是,虽然说一般门的安装是有专门的师傅的,但是该注意地方还是要注意,以上这些铜门安装注意事项大家也不要忽视,做好监督工作。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询!
We need to remind you that although there is a special master for the installation of general doors, we still need to pay attention to the above points of attention for the installation of copper doors. Come to our website for more relevant content // consulting service
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