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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-02-22 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门的优点有很多,像很好的防盗水平,具有传统工艺的设计,与其说它是一堂门,更不如说它是艺术品,具有很高的收藏价值。那 济南铜门值得使用的价值点在哪里呢?
The copper door has many advantages, such as good anti-theft level and traditional craft design. It is not so much a door as an art, and has high collection value. What is the value of Jinan Tongmen worth using?
1. Long-term benefits. Copper is always copper, and will remain unchanged for thousands of generations. The merit lies in the present, and the benefit lies in the future. In the end, it will only appreciate and benefit future generations.
2. Strong anti-theft property. Anti-theft lock, heaven and earth safety bolt, door seam light and dark bolt, lock body and lock cylinder can not be seen at the outer opening, which are standard built-in locks.
3. Bronze Gate, as explained in the dictionary, is Golden Gate, Golden Horse Gate. Because it is copper, which is the third precious metal after gold and silver
4. As the saying goes, "rare things are precious". It is expensive and of high grade. The bronze door is luxurious, showing the noble status, rising taste and high value.
5. Affordable. How can we say "affordable" for thousands of yuan per square meter? The purchase of copper doors is equivalent to obtaining 50% of the total price of copper and 15% of the internal shelf and configuration materials.
6. The copper texture of the solid copper door is clear, and has a strong overall and three-dimensional sense, which makes people feel more comfortable when they look. The whole solid copper door is made of solid copper. At present, the most popular materials are catalpa copper, manchurian ash, korean pine, beech copper, etc.
7. The finished solid copper door after processing has the characteristics of no deformation, corrosion resistance, no joint and good thermal insulation. Because the solid copper door is made of full solid copper, it has high density, thick door plate and heavy weight. It is also because of this, the solid copper door has good sound absorption and can effectively play the role of sound insulation.
8. The inner and outer materials of the solid copper door are the same.
9. The material selection of solid copper doors is generally soft and warm, and the main component of copper is copper, so the absorption ability of solid copper doors to ultraviolet rays is also very strong. The slight unevenness of the copper surface will form diffuse reflection on the brightness, which can effectively reduce the damage to the eyes and reduce the fatigue of the eyes.
此外要注意,有些实铜门容易开裂变形且不容易修复,这是铜材本身的特性造成的。所以说你在选购且安装时要注意,更多事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询吧!
In addition, it should be noted that some solid copper doors are easy to crack, deform and repair, which is caused by the characteristics of copper itself. So you should pay attention to the purchase and installation, and come to our website for more matters // Ask!
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