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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-02-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
说到铜门保养,还要从清洁开始说起。不管是任何一种门在长期使用之后,表面会积攒灰尘,定期 山东铜门表面的灰尘重要的保养方式。一般的灰尘用潮湿的抹布就可以擦拭干净,对于比较难以除净的污渍,可以使用清洁剂,然后用清水洗掉就可以。但是尽管铜门的抗氧化性能突出,也会有锈蚀的可能,洗干净后要将门表面的水迹擦干。
When it comes to copper door maintenance, we should start with cleaning. No matter what kind of door is used for a long time, dust will accumulate on the surface. It is an important maintenance method to regularly clean the dust on the surface of Shandong copper door. General dust can be cleaned with a damp cloth. For stains that are difficult to remove, you can use a detergent and then wash them off with water. However, despite the outstanding anti-oxidation performance of the copper door, there is also the possibility of corrosion. After cleaning, the water stains on the door surface should be wiped dry.
In the normal maintenance of copper doors, try to avoid violent impact. In addition, some parts of the copper door will inevitably wear after a long time of use, which will affect the flexibility of the door. Dropping lubricating oil on some joints can alleviate the blockage caused by wear. If you want to keep the copper door as bright and clean as new, you can try waxing, because the protective paint on the surface of the copper door will wear and age over time. You can wax after the dust on the surface is removed, thus forming a new protective film. The new wax can also fill the small gaps on the surface of the copper door to avoid the oxidation reaction of the copper door too quickly.
The copper door or door lock is not often touched with hands with water marks. The copper door will also have a particularly slow oxidation reaction when it encounters water. When opening and closing the copper door, if the handle and door lock of the copper door are turned too hard, the wear will be accelerated and the service life of the copper door will be reduced. Once the switch is blocked and inflexible, avoid forcing the switch. If necessary, drop a little lubricating oil at the connection of the door lock or handle. The lubricating oil should be appropriate. Too much lubricating oil will absorb a lot of dust, and the door handle will become more and more ugly.
铜门保养还要注意一点,不要让硫和硫化物直接接触铜门,铜和硫化物中的硫会产生化学反应,对铜门会产生特别大的破坏。更多相关铜门的问题或者需求,就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
The maintenance of copper doors should also pay attention to the fact that sulfur and sulfide should not be directly contacted with copper doors. The sulfur in copper and sulfide will produce chemical reactions, which will cause great damage to copper doors. For more questions or needs related to copper doors, please visit our website // Ask about it!
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