当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题保养铜门表面色泽的四个方式 常见问题


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-01-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门在门业中非常受欢迎,因此保养铜门的色泽也成了一件非常重要的事。那么 济南铜门表面的色泽要如何去保养维护呢?接下来由的小编来对此讲解一下吧,希望能够对大家有所帮助,具体内容如下:
Copper doors are very popular in the door industry, so it is very important to maintain the color of copper doors. So how to maintain the color of the surface of Jinan Copper Door? Next, let's talk about this by our editor. I hope it can help you. The details are as follows:
1. Polishing and painting solutions are corrosive. Wear protective equipment when working. When soaking the product, please ensure that it does not touch the skin. If it is accidentally splashed on the body, wash the skin surface with water in time and rinse the solution.
2. There are layers of degrease, rust and oxide on the surface of the copper door frame, which should be cleaned with water. If you don't do this, the copper door will easily rust during operation, which will have a certain impact on the appearance and service life of the copper door.
3. Etching, polishing and subsequent cleaning. Many copper door manufacturers use copper etching and polishing solution in this process, because using this solvent to polish the copper door components can make the surface of the copper door more smooth. Then paint the copper door. The specific process can be carried out as required. Put the workpiece into the working solution for about 2 minutes. At this time, the color of the copper door will become black and blue, and continue to soak. With the increase of time, the bronze color can achieve good results after soaking for about half an hour. If the color is not ideal, you can increase the soaking time until the thickness of the color change layer is satisfactory.
4. As the copper door mortar is volatile, the polishing and coating site should be installed in a well-ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight and fire sources.
以上四点是有关保养铜门表面色泽的四个方式的全部内容,对此您有不理解的地方随时来我们网站 //www.doveish.com做咨询!
The above four points are all about the four ways to maintain the surface color of copper doors. If you don't understand this, please come to our website at any time // Consulting!
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