当前所在位置:首页>>beplay体育备用提高铜门高耐磨性的两个方法 beplay体育备用


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2023-01-13 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
在很多人眼里,铜门是一个很高档的入口。给人以金碧辉煌、厚重沉稳、庄严神圣之感。铜门曾用于深室和重要场所。它不仅象征着地位,而且是维持门内和平的坚实屏障。那么 山东铜门耐磨性高要如何确保呢?接下来由小编来讲解一下吧,希望能够对大家有所帮助。
In the eyes of many people, the copper door is a very high-end entrance. It gives people a feeling of resplendence, solemnity and sanctity. Copper doors have been used in deep rooms and important places. It not only symbolizes status, but also is a solid barrier to maintain peace inside the door. So how to ensure the high wear resistance of Shandong copper door? Next, let's talk about it. I hope it can help you.
1. It is well known that copper doors should be endowed with certain strength even if they are naturally corrosion resistant. Copper itself is a corrosion resistant material, but copper doors usually continue to be corrosion resistant during processing to obtain greater safety. The specific process is as follows: drag the steel wire on the surface of the copper door, then clean the surface, and do a good job of passivation. To prevent the panel outline from contacting with related substances and maintain the primary color of copper.
2. The phosphating treatment of the copper door manufacturer shall be carried out at least twice to form a protective film on the copper surface. The copper door is carefully sprayed with protective paint to enhance its corrosion resistance, and then baked at 160 ℃. In this process, the copper industry will be sprayed and baked twice to effectively improve its anti-corrosion performance. The copper door is completed through a series of steps in the natural cooling process. The copper doors made of other auxiliary materials also improve the anti-corrosion level.
Even if it has natural corrosion resistance, it should also be given a certain strength. In order to be safer, copper doors will often be further anti-corrosion during processing. The specific process flow is as follows:
1. The surface of the copper door shall be brushed first, and then the surface shall be cleaned and passivated for many times to make the panel outline of the clapboard surface contact with the relevant corrosive materials, so as to maintain the original color of the copper.
2. Phosphating treatment shall be carried out at least twice to form a protective film on the copper surface.
3. Carefully spray protective paint to enhance its anti-corrosion performance, and then bake at 160 ℃. In this process, the copper industry will also carry out two times of spraying and baking to improve its anti-corrosion performance.
4. In the process of natural cooling, a door is finally completed after a series of steps.
以上是有关提高铜门高耐磨性的两个方法的全部内容,如果您还有疑问,可在我们的网站 //www.doveish.com上进行咨询,感谢您的理解与支持!
The above is the full content of two methods to improve the high wear resistance of copper doors. If you have any questions, please visit our website // Thank you for your understanding and support!
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