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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-12-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
工程铜门在生产完,出厂时,都是比较鲜艳亮丽的,工程铜门华丽的外表也是吸引众人的重要原因之一。而工程铜门在安装完成之后,又会发生什么样的变化呢?我们又应该怎样处理呢?这也是大家一致关注的问题。下面 山东铜门厂家为您解答。
The engineering copper doors are bright and beautiful after production and when they leave the factory. The gorgeous appearance of the engineering copper doors is also one of the important reasons for attracting people. What changes will happen to the engineering copper door after installation? How should we deal with it? This is also a matter of common concern. Next, Shandong copper door manufacturer will answer for you.
Normal engineering copper doors have different colors when choosing styles, and the key to these colors is paint. The engineering copper door also needs to be painted, not only for color, but also for the protection of the engineering copper door to prevent its surface from oxidation.
If normal paint is used, the luster of engineering copper doors will be dim after a long time of use, which is one of the main reasons why we need to do the maintenance of engineering copper doors. Frequently wipe the surface of engineering copper doors, and do surface treatment such as oil wiping and waxing, which will keep the color and luster of engineering copper doors as bright as new;
However, if ordinary paint is used, such as some imitation engineering copper doors, it is difficult to ensure the quality of paint at a low price. After using these engineering copper doors for a period of time, the color will change. Such changes often make the engineering copper doors look ugly, so consumers must choose the right manufacturer when choosing the engineering copper doors.
The raw material of engineering copper doors is copper, which is difficult to oxidize. Therefore, ordinary engineering copper doors are less likely to rust, which is much stronger than other iron doors and cast aluminum doors. However, some engineering copper doors are made of zinc alloy. After being exposed to the sun and rain, the interior of such engineering copper doors is prone to corrosion. The mobility of zinc is too strong, which is easy to react with the air. If rain is used as the medium, the internal corrosion will be accelerated, which will cause the entire structure of the engineering copper doors to be unstable and the strength to be insufficient, The anti-theft performance of engineering copper doors is also greatly reduced. Therefore, the stainless steel inner frame must be selected correctly when selecting the engineering copper door.
工程铜门在使用的时候,难免会出现碰撞、刮花的情况,这对工程铜门的表面影响是大的,不仅影响了工程铜门表面的美观程度,还会对工程铜门表面的保护层造成破坏,可能会加快上面两种情况的发生。这种情况就需要专门的工作人员做处理了。您有什么问题就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询吧!
When the engineering copper door is used, it is inevitable that there will be collisions and scratches, which will have a great impact on the surface of the engineering copper door, not only affecting the aesthetic degree of the surface of the engineering copper door, but also causing damage to the protective layer of the surface of the engineering copper door, which may accelerate the occurrence of the above two situations. This situation requires special staff to deal with it. Come to our website if you have any questions // Consult!
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