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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-12-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
市面上大部分的铜门产品内部结构有着品质隐患和铜板厚度藏有猫腻,能真正把铜门做好的没有几个品质,如何快速甄别铜门品质?下面 济南铜门厂家给您几点建议。
Most of the copper door products on the market have hidden quality problems in their internal structures and the thickness of the copper plate has hidden secrets. There are few qualities that can really make copper doors better. How can we quickly identify the quality of copper doors? Here are some suggestions from the manufacturer of Jinan Copper Door.
If you want to buy a copper door with guaranteed quality, but also want to spend a cheap price, in fact, this will be a myth! (Copper doors are a special industry with high wage costs. There is no cost performance ratio for copper doors. The lower the price, the greater the problem.) The quality of most cheap copper doors in the market is predictable.
The copper plate on the surface is uneven when viewed from a distance under the light. It is a copper door with a thickness of copper plate that is seriously stolen. There are glue marks on the surface. The handle of the door leaf is relatively light. The hardware fittings are relatively ordinary. The anti-theft level of the lock cylinder is relatively low, and the details are relatively rough. These are the surfaces of ordinary quality copper doors that can be intuitively felt.
The merchant is required to sign a formal sales contract (not a sales order that is normally duplicated by the merchant), and the legal representative, ID card number, internal structure, copper plate thickness, hardware accessories, painting process, etc. are required to be indicated in the sales contract.
Not all copper doors are good ones. At present, most of the copper door products in China are hidden dangers and hidden troubles. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing copper doors. You can't buy real high-quality copper doors at a low price. If you don't want to spend too much money in this area, it is recommended to choose high-end imitation copper doors.
The quality of imitation copper doors is very mature. The quality of high-end imitation copper doors is much better than that of ordinary real copper doors, and there is no risk of the delicacy of copper doors. The price is more realistic than that of ordinary real copper doors.
如何快速甄别铜门的品质?建议是费心找一个靠谱的厂家,您可以先来我们的网站 //www.doveish.com咨询看看!
How to quickly identify the quality of copper doors? The suggestion is to bother to find a reliable manufacturer. You can come to our website first // Consult!
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