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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-12-26 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
使用铜门过程中需要注意的4个小细节您知道包含怎样的事项吗?实际上这4个小细节在平常的使用中占据了很大的影响,所以要多来了解到,下面 济南铜门厂家为您讲解。
Do you know what the four small details you need to pay attention to in the process of using copper doors include? In fact, these four small details play a very important role in ordinary use, so we should learn more about them. Now, the manufacturer of Jinan Copper Door will explain them to you.
1. Self made flexible door stopper: the copper door of household often needs to be opened and closed. When the copper door is opened, it often directly collides with the wall. After a long time, the lock box and handle on the door are easy to touch the mark on the wall, damaging the wall and the copper door, affecting the beauty. You can find a rubber block about 5cm thick or nail a thick rubber on a small wooden block, and nail it at the lower corner of the inner side of the copper door against the hinge side, so that the copper door will not be damaged.
2. To prevent the copper door from being blown open by the wind: If the copper door in the home is easy to be blown open or will not open automatically after being closed, which is inconvenient and unsafe, you can find a powerful magnet of appropriate size, which can be buried flat above the door frame at about 1/4 of the height of the door, and then nail a piece of iron sheet at the place where the door leaf and the door frame coincide. After closing the door, make them attract each other to prevent the doors and windows from being blown open by the wind. Cupboards, wardrobes, windows and other places can also be treated with this method.


3. Anti astringency of the marble door lock: the marble door lock is used for a long time, and it often fails due to dryness, making it difficult to open and close. In this case, you can drop oil on both sides of the movable lock or wipe it with soap for a few times to make the door lock flexible and open and close freely.
4. If the copper door is to play a good role, it needs to be firmly installed. If you do not pay attention to its firmness during installation, you will find that the whole door is easy to fall off. Therefore, during installation, people must pay attention to the overall fastness to ensure safety.
铜门多为人们想要精心打造家具环境时所要必选的建材精品,人们越来越注重功能性的追求,家具装潢也越来越潮流,并且人们还更加重视购买商品的外形风格以及主题表现。您有什么需求就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询看看吧!
Copper doors are mostly high-quality building materials that people must choose when they want to create a furniture environment. People pay more and more attention to the pursuit of functionality, furniture decoration is becoming more and more fashionable, and people also pay more attention to the appearance style and theme expression of the purchased goods. Come to our website if you have any needs // Consult!
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