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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-11-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门,以铜为原材料,金碧辉煌,气势宏伟,被用在很多场所。因此,在使用铜门时要注意以下几点,避免损坏铜门,延长 济南铜门的使用寿命。
Copper doors, made of copper, are magnificent and magnificent, and are used in many places. Therefore, we should pay attention to the following points when using the copper door to avoid damage to the copper door and extend the service life of Jinan copper door.
1、 Do not hang heavy objects
When using the copper door, do not hang heavy or sharp objects on the door leaf, and do not use too much force when opening the door.
2、 Do not open the door with wet hands
Do not use a hand with water stains (or other solutions) to open the door lock to avoid discoloration.
3、 Pay attention to the flexibility of accessories
Long term use of copper doors, hinges, locks and other frequently moving hardware accessories will become loose, and should be tightened immediately. When the door lock does not open properly, add an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam to the key hole.
4、 Gently wipe the glass copper door
When wiping the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass bead to avoid deformation of the bead. Do not use excessive force when wiping the glass to avoid damage to the glass and human body. After the glass is broken or there is a big bump, it must be repaired by the maintenance personnel.
5、 Clean the stains with a soft cloth
When there are stains on the surface of the copper door, such as handprints, it is easy to scratch the surface with a hard cloth, so it can be wiped with a soft cloth after being soaked with air. If the stains are too heavy, neutral cleaning agent, toothpaste or furniture specific cleaning agent can be used. After decontamination, it should be wiped clean immediately.
The edges and corners of the copper door shall not be frequently rubbed to avoid fading and damage of the decorative materials at the edges and corners. When removing dust from wooden products, a vacuum cleaner can be used to remove it when it is inconvenient to wipe it with soft cotton cloth. In order to maintain the surface luster and service life of the copper door, it should be cleaned and dedusted regularly, and the surface can be protected with the curing liquid special for wooden decoration products.
6、 Maintain ventilation
In spring and winter, it is necessary to maintain good indoor ventilation, so that the copper door is at normal room temperature. Avoid the copper door in the damp air, otherwise, the metal fittings will be rusted, the edge sealing and the decorative materials will fall off. When using electric heaters or other heating equipment in winter, keep away from wooden products to avoid heating deformation.
7、 Avoid paint falling on the surface
When painting the wall, the copper door shall be covered to prevent the paint from falling on the product surface, which will peel and fade the finishing materials and affect the overall beauty.
以上就是对关于在使用铜门时要时刻注意七点的相关内容做了一个解答,不知道对您是否有帮助?您有疑惑或需求的话就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
The above is an answer to the seven points you should always pay attention to when using copper doors. I wonder if it will help you? Come to our website if you have doubts or needs // Ask and understand!
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