当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题庭院铜门选购的三大要求 常见问题


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-11-25 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
选择 济南铜门的时候,有哪些要求需要我们进行注意的呢?下面小编为您讲解一番。
What are the requirements that we should pay attention to when choosing Jinan Copper Gate? Here's a brief introduction.
1、 Look at the style and color of the house
In order to have a warm living environment, when choosing bronze doors, the first thing to consider is the harmony between the style and color of the bronze doors and all the colors in the bedroom. If the decoration is simple and easy, choose a generous and simple style; Vivid and bright, we choose light and elegant; Classical leisure decoration is thick and elegant.
2、 Color matching is the key factor
After determining the style, we need to consider the color of the bronze door and the color of the room. The color collocation of the bedroom is basically similar, and the color is mainly dependent on the introduction of elements. First of all, we can distinguish the color image and tone of the room environment, which can be divided into three colors: the soft decoration of walls, floors and furniture. Stick to these three colors.
The color of the courtyard copper door can be considered as a color system close to home, such as dark floor, white wall, crape myrtle copper door. The color system of the environment is relatively harmonious. Don't try to compete everywhere. In fact, the overall environment is quite good. You just need to find a big environment close to the existing one, perhaps on the ground or on the wall or furniture, and then allocate differences in details, such as copper door lines and wood grain on the ground. As for color system, it should be measured according to the actual situation.
3、 Look at product skills and quality problems
You can't go to the manufacturer to see how it is processed. We can only confirm the technical quality of the goods through a brief visual inspection. In addition, you can touch the door frame, panel and door corner with your hands, without scratches, soft and delicate, and then stand on one side of the door to see whether there will be concave and convex waves on the paint surface of the door.
此外现在铜门很多都是混装的,客户购买的时分要货比三家,太低的要稳重购买。毕竟杂牌产品的质量和售后都不让人放心。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
In addition, many copper doors are mixed now. Customers need to shop around when they buy. If the price is too low, they should buy steadily. After all, the quality and after-sales of the inferior brand products are not reassuring. More relevant content will come to our website // Ask and understand!
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