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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-10-07 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
旋转铜门在进行使用的时候,会了解到对于旋转铜门正确的使用方法是如何进行使用的,在这其中我们应该怎么去注意有关于旋转铜门的保养知识的了解,在这其中我们跟着 济南铜门厂家去了解下旋转铜门使用过程中的养护经验吧。
When the revolving copper door is used, we will know how to use the revolving copper door correctly. In this part, how should we pay attention to the knowledge about the maintenance of the revolving copper door? In this part, let's follow the Jinan copper door manufacturer to learn about the maintenance experience in the use of the revolving copper door.
1. When using the revolving copper door, do not hang heavy objects on the door leaf to avoid the impact of sharp objects. When opening and closing the door leaf, please use excessive force by mistake or open the view point too large to avoid damaging the revolving copper door.
2. Don't often open the door lock with a hand with water stains to avoid discoloration. Do not use excessive force when opening the door lock or turning the door lock handle, which can reduce the service life of the door lock. Hinges, locks and other frequently movable hardware accessories shall be tightened when they are loose. When the door lock does not open properly, an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam can be added to the key hole.
3. (Glass revolving copper door) When cleaning the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass bead to avoid deformation of the bead. Do not scrub the glass with too much force to avoid glass damage and personal injury. If the glass is broken or there is a big bump, it must be repaired by professional repair personnel.
4. When removing the stains on the surface of the revolving copper door (such as fingerprints), you can use a soft cloth to scrub it after soaking wet. If you scrub it with a hard cloth, it is easy to scratch the surface. If the stains are too heavy, you can use a neutral detergent, toothpaste or furniture specific detergent. After decontamination, you can immediately scrub and clean it.
The edges and corners of the revolving copper door shall not be often rubbed to avoid fading and damage of the decorative materials at the edges and corners. When the dust on the wooden products is removed, if it is not convenient to use soft cotton cloth to remove it, a vacuum cleaner can be used to remove it.
In order to maintain the exterior luster and service life of the revolving copper door, it should be cleaned and dusted regularly, and the exterior can be maintained with the special maintenance fluid for wooden decoration products.
5. In spring and winter, pay attention to good indoor ventilation, maintain indoor humidity, and keep the revolving copper door at normal room temperature and humidity, so that metal fittings show rust, edge sealing, and finish materials fall off. When using electric heaters or other heating equipment in winter, keep away from wooden products to avoid deformation.
6. In case of painting the wall, remember to conceal the revolving copper door, so as to prevent the paint from falling on the door, which will peel and fade the finishing materials and affect the overall beauty.
以上是旋转铜门使用过程中的养护经验了,希望对你有所启发。当然您在选购铜门时也要注意一些事项,具体的内容就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
The above is the maintenance experience in the use of revolving copper doors, and I hope it can enlighten you. Of course, you should also pay attention to some matters when purchasing copper doors. Please come to our website for details // Ask and understand!
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