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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-10-05 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Jinan copper door manufacturers adopt special process methods and manufacturing requirements to provide users with reliable quality products. In order to improve the performance of the product, users need to carry out maintenance during use. How much do you know about the manufacturing process and maintenance measures of copper doors? For those who want to know, please read the following!
Manufacturing process of copper door
The main structure of the copper door is wrapped with processed copper door profiles outside and steel structure framework inside. The process flow of copper door plate is as follows: treatment flow: degreasing, rust removal, water washing, pickling and polishing, water washing, neutralization, water washing, coloring treatment, water washing, drying and other post-treatment.
If you want to obtain bronze color, after completing the above steps, you can polish it properly with sandpaper, and then you can achieve the desired effect.
For the steel skeleton in the copper door, it is generally required to conduct hot galvanizing treatment, and then weld and install the steel structure.
Although copper is an anti-corrosion material, copper doors often undergo further anti-corrosion treatment in the manufacturing process. For example, now the surface is brushed, and then the surface is cleaned and passivated several times to cut off the contact between the panel surface and the anti-corrosion material, thus maintaining the original color of copper.
Then, phosphating treatment shall be carried out for at least two times to form a protective film on the surface. After that, spray protective paint, bake, natural cooling and other steps. To complete the manufacture of copper doors.
Maintenance measures for copper doors
Copper door manufacturers have colored copper doors to enhance aesthetic products, which are of high use and ornamental value. At the same time, they also have the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of copper. Their service life is longer than other types of doors, so copper doors are increasingly favored by consumers.
The maintenance of the copper door is very important to maintain the integrity of the external paint and prevent collisions and impacts. If the paint on the surface falls off, we need to brush the paint similar to the copper door, usually we can use a dry towel to clean it.
When the copper door is scratched, we can clean the place, and then apply some antirust oil on the wound to prevent it from contacting the air, so as to achieve isolation effect and prevent oxidation. Cleaning and maintenance of copper doors can shorten their oxidation time and prolong their service life.
铜门生产厂家对制造工艺有严格的要求,为用户提供可靠的质量产品。用户可以通过维护好铜门来提高性能和延长使用时间。如果您需要这种类型的产品,我们 //www.doveish.com将竭诚为您服务!
The copper door manufacturers have strict requirements on the manufacturing process to provide users with reliable quality products. Users can improve the performance and prolong the service time by maintaining the copper door. If you need this type of product, we // We will serve you wholeheartedly!
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