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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-09-24 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
现在随着人们对铜门的热爱不断增加,许多公寓和别墅也开始使用坚固耐用的铜门。那么,在实际应用中,铜门的优点是什么?使用过程中应如何保养铜门?今天 济南铜门小编就带您了解一番。
Now, with the increasing love of copper doors, many apartments and villas have begun to use solid and durable copper doors. What are the advantages of copper doors in practical applications? How to maintain the copper door during use? Today, I will show you something about the bronze door weaving in Jinan.
Advantages of copper doors
1. Practicability
As a stable metal, the anti-corrosion function of copper is incomparable to many other materials. Compared with other ordinary materials, copper doors are more durable, antibacterial and antioxidant. Very good. Therefore, there will be no cracks, deformation and other problems in practical application, and it will not be easily damaged, and its service life is very long.
2. Aesthetics
The copper door has its own unique texture and color, and it can be made by hollowing, forging or embossing with modern exquisite craft, which makes the copper door have a strong sense of art and adds elegant temperament to the home environment.
3. Safety
The copper door with modern design has a higher high-tech anti-theft performance. The security of the room can be improved by using high-tech locks.
Maintenance of copper door
Attention should be paid to the protection of copper doors from external factors. It is forbidden to hang heavy objects or other sharp objects on the copper door to avoid scratching the door and protect the integrity of its surface.
Ensure the integrity of small areas. When we use the lock to open the door, we should avoid water stains on our hands. We often let the door lock contact with water stains and other solutions, which may cause discoloration of the door lock and affect the overall beauty of the copper door.
Pay attention to seasonal ventilation. In spring and winter, special attention shall be paid to keep ventilation and humidity balance in spring to avoid corrosion of metal fittings on copper doors.
In winter, we usually use electric heaters or any other heating equipment, which should be far away from the copper door to avoid deformation of some parts due to long-time heating.
此外由于在使用过程中铜门上不可避免地会留下污渍,因此清洁时请使用湿软布擦拭,并尝试选择中性清洁剂,请勿经常擦拭铜门的边缘和角落,否则容易导致褪色。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询了解吧!
In addition, since the copper door will inevitably leave stains in the process of use, please use a wet soft cloth to wipe it, and try to choose a neutral cleaner. Do not often wipe the edges and corners of the copper door, otherwise it will easily lead to fading. Come to our website for more information // Ask and understand!
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