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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-09-05 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
现在加工铜门的厂家有很多,生产的产品质量确是参差不齐,并不是所有的产品都能满足消费者的需求,有些厂家使用的加工原料不合格,因此生产的铜门质量很差,使铜门用户感到很痛心,为了让大家选到质量可靠的产品,下面我们为大家介绍一下 济南铜门的制作材料,下面一起来看看吧!
At present, there are many manufacturers processing copper doors. The quality of products produced is indeed uneven. Not all products can meet the needs of consumers. Some manufacturers use unqualified processing materials, so the quality of copper doors produced is very poor, which makes copper door users feel very sad. In order to let you choose products with reliable quality, let's introduce the manufacturing materials of Jinan copper doors. Let's have a look!
1. Brass
Brass is also called copper zinc alloy. The color of brass decoration is determined by the amount of zinc in the alloy. If the zinc content is higher, the color of brass will tend to light yellow; If the zinc content is lower, the color of brass tends to yellow red. Brass is widely used in the machinery manufacturing industry, because brass generally does not rust. In addition to being used as a copper door, it can even be used as a raw material for many mechanical parts.
2. Copper
Red copper has a good function among these copper decorations, and its copper content can reach 99%. And the plasticity of red copper is very high, with good corrosion resistance, so the price performance ratio of red copper is very high. Copper can also suppress the propagation of bacteria and make money.
3. Bronze
Bronze is also called copper tin alloy. Among all kinds of copper decorative materials in the market, the corrosion resistance of zinc nickel materials ranks first, while bronze ranks below it.
4. White copper
White copper is also called copper nickel alloy. White copper can also be subdivided into structural and electrical copper nickel alloys according to their functions. Compared with the mechanical functions of these two alloys, structural copper nickel alloys are superior to electrical copper nickel alloys.
关于铜门的制作材料,上述内容中已经为大家介绍完了,从中我们了解到该产品的材料有黄铜、白铜、紫铜等多种材料,大家可以根据上述内容进行参考,希望上述内容能够帮助到大家,更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询吧!
As for the manufacturing materials of the copper door, we have introduced them all in the above content. We understand that the materials of the product include brass, white copper, red copper and other materials. You can refer to them according to the above content. I hope the above content can help you. Please come to our website for more relevant content // Consult!
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