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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-08-26 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
门的选择不仅能够为日常生活带来保障,同时选择不同材质的门,也能够改变整体风格与气场。安装 山东铜门不仅能显示文化底蕴,而且它本身特性优良,能够长时间的使用,接下来就一起来具体了解下它吧!
The selection of doors can not only bring security to daily life, but also change the overall style and atmosphere by selecting doors of different materials. The installation of Shandong Tongmen not only shows the cultural heritage, but also has excellent characteristics and can be used for a long time. Next, let's learn more about it!
Main features of copper door:
1. Security. It can be equipped with a high-tech lock with better anti-theft performance.
2. Practicality. It has strong stability, is not easy to be corroded, is more durable than ordinary doors, does not have the problem of deformation and cracking, and has a long service life.
3. Aesthetics. Copper can be added with various patterns and auspicious patterns through exquisite embossing, hollowing out, forging and other processes, which not only has its own unique texture, but also shows the traditional cultural heritage of China!
Maintenance of copper door:
1. Don't hang heavy objects on the door leaf to avoid sharp objects scratching and bumping. Don't use too much force when opening and closing the door, and don't open the door at too large an angle.
2. Don't often touch the door lock with a hand with water stains, or it will easily change color. Don't use too much force when unlocking. If the hinge and door lock are loose, tighten them in time. If the door lock is not opened smoothly, you can add some pencil lead foam into the key hole, and do not drip lubricant such as edible oil.
3. When wiping the glass on the door, do not use detergent or water to prevent the liquid from flowing into the bead gap and causing the bead to deform.
4. When cleaning the surface of the copper door, you can wet it with steam and then wipe it with a soft cloth. If the stain is too heavy, you can choose neutral cleaning agent. In order to maintain the original luster, you can buy special cleaning tools and agents.
以上总结了有关铜门的主要特征和保养事项,这种材质的门从古今都是经久不衰的,不仅是因为它的自身使用优点,还因为它能够提升气质,显得大气。有采购需求就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com咨询看看吧!
The above summarizes the main characteristics and maintenance matters of the copper door. The door made of this material has been enduring since ancient times, not only because of its own advantages, but also because it can improve the temperament and appear atmospheric. Come to our website if you have purchasing needs // Consult and see!
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