

来源:// 日期:2022-08-24 发布人:admin浏览次数:0
山东铜门的大气典雅成为越来越多的人喜欢的装饰,玻璃工艺铜门更是铜门中的经典产品。玻璃工艺铜门的选材通常有 4种:黄铜、青铜、白铜、紫铜。下面来看看玻璃工艺铜门的制作处理流程:
The elegant atmosphere of Shandong copper door has become a favorite decoration for more and more people, and the glass process copper door is a classic product in the copper door. There are usually four kinds of materials for glass process copper doors: brass, bronze, white copper and red copper. Let's take a look at the manufacturing process of glass process copper door:
1. Treatment process: oil removal, rust removal and scale removal - water washing - acid washing and polishing - water washing - neutralization - water washing - coloring treatment - water washing - drying and other post-treatment.
2. It is recommended to use copper pickling and polishing solution for pickling and polishing. The purpose is to make the brass surface glossy.
3. This product is working fluid. Immerse the workpiece in this product, and the brass surface will turn black and cyan in about 2 minutes. According to the experimental results. When the soaking time is 20-25 minutes, the surface will change color * * *, and good rust prevention performance can be obtained. The workpiece can be soaked repeatedly to increase the thickness of the discoloration layer, and satisfactory results can be obtained.
4. If you want to achieve the bronze color, after the above steps, you can use sandpaper to rub to achieve the ideal effect.
be careful:
1. When using a copper door, do not hang heavy objects on the door leaf or avoid sharp objects from being scratched. When opening or closing the door leaf, do not often use too much force or open the door at too large an angle to avoid damaging the copper door.
2. Do not often open the door lock with water stains (or other solutions) to avoid discoloration of the door lock. When opening the door lock or turning the door lock handle, do not use excessive force, so as to reduce the service life of the door lock. When the hinge, Jiangxi Tongmen factory door lock and other frequently moving hardware accessories are loose, they should be tightened immediately. When the door lock cannot be opened properly, you can add an appropriate amount of pencil foam into the key hole, and remember to lubricate with edible oil and other things.
3. (glass process copper door) when wiping the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass batten to avoid the deformation of the batten. Do not use too much force when wiping the glass to avoid the glass damage and personal injury. After the glass is damaged or there is a big bump, please ask professional maintenance personnel to repair it.
The glass process copper door is a product with high appearance and practicability. The use effect is very good, and there are many kinds of self-cultivation and varieties. After all, the glass process copper door is one of the copper doors, and the safety is very good. Come to our website if you need // Consult and understand.
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