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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-08-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
自动门在人们的日常生活中随处可见,又分为自动平移门、自动beplay登录入口 和自动弧形门等等,但很多人并不知自动门保养的重要性和有哪些注意事项,今天 山东铜门生产厂家为大家详细介绍自动门定期保养的一些注意事项。
Automatic doors can be seen everywhere in people's daily life, and they are divided into automatic sliding doors, automatic rotating doors and automatic arc doors. However, many people do not know the importance of automatic door maintenance and what precautions should be taken. Today, Shandong Tongmen manufacturer introduces some precautions for regular maintenance of automatic doors.
Why do automatic doors need regular maintenance
During the long-term use of the automatic door, the dirt on the surface due to the deposition of dust and dirt should be cleaned and maintained regularly. The internal parts will run for a long time, and the service life will be reduced. Irregular maintenance will lead to premature damage and problems. Unscheduled maintenance of automatic doors will not only reduce the service life but also cause accidents.
Why should the surface of automatic door be cleaned regularly
During the long-term use of the automatic door, the water is absorbed by the dust deposit. When the air contains sulfide, the automatic door is subject to corrosion. The surface must be cleaned on time to maintain the automatic door. The cycle is generally once a half year, and the maintenance times shall be increased according to the frequency of use; During cleaning, the dirt on the surface shall be cleaned without damaging the oxide film, electrophoretic composite film and spraying powder on the surface.
Precautions for automatic door cleaning
1. Regularly clean the surface of automatic door with soft cloth dipped with water or neutral detergent. Do not use ordinary soap and washing powder, let alone detergent with strong acid and alkali such as detergent and toilet detergent, which will damage the surface of automatic door.
2. It is not allowed to use sandpaper, wire brush or other abrasives to clean them. After cleaning, clean them with clean water, especially the places with cracks and dirt, and wipe them with soft cloth dipped with alcohol.
3. The automatic door is generally made of plate material. When cleaning, it should be cleaned with a slightly wet cloth to avoid water soaking the plate and damaging the profile.
Maintenance and protection of automatic door track
Keep the track clean regularly to prevent foreign matters from entering. If there are sundries and dust, it can be cleaned with a brush. The dust in the groove and the door sealing strip can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
How to maintain the operation performance of automatic doors
1. During the operation of the automatic door, the cooperation between various parts is very important. If you want to switch, you will use the ground wheel on the ground. These things must be regularly maintained and inspected, and there must be no hidden dangers.
2. Avoid rust stains on the automatic door, which will affect the use.
3. During maintenance, the sensitivity and detection range of the automatic door opening sensor and the safety electric eye are important items to ensure the operation performance of the automatic door.
自动门保养的重要性和一些注意事项内容我们就讲解到这里了,您对此如果有什么想咨询的,就来关注我们网站 //www.doveish.com联系了解吧。
The importance of automatic door maintenance and some precautions have been explained here. If you have any questions about this, please follow our website // Contact me to understand.
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