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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-07-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门因其的质量以及的外观受到消费者的喜欢,不过铜门在使用的过程中也出现一些问题,下面 济南铜门小编为大家分享铜门使用的小窍门。
Tongmen is liked by consumers because of its quality and appearance, but there are also some problems in the use of Tongmen. Below, Jinan Tongmen editor will share tips for the use of Tongmen.
You can make your own elastic door stopper. The copper door of your home often needs to be opened and closed. When the copper door is opened, it often directly collides with the wall. Over time, the lock box and pull on the door are easy to make marks on the wall, damage the wall and the copper door, and affect the view. You can find a piece of rubber about 5cm thick or nail a piece of thick rubber on a small wooden block, and nail it in the lower corner of the side of the copper door close to the hinge, so as not to damage the copper door.
Don't often open the door lock with water stains, so as to prevent the door lock from changing color. When opening the door lock or rotating the door lock handle, do not use too much force, which can reduce the service life of the door lock. Hinges, door locks and other frequently moving hardware accessories should be tightened when they are loose. From time to time when the door lock is opened, you can add an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam to the key hole.
To prevent the copper door from being blown open by the wind, if the copper door in the home is easy to be blown open by the wind after closing or does not open automatically, this is inconvenient and not, you can find a force magnet of appropriate size, which can be horizontally buried on the door frame at about one /4 of the door height, and then nail an iron sheet on the floor where the door leaf matches the door frame, and make it absorb each other after closing the door, so that the doors and windows can be blown open by the wind.
According to the decorative purposes, copper doors can be divided into luxury villa copper doors, villa child mother copper doors, glass copper doors, bedroom copper doors, automatic rotating copper doors, elevator copper doors, etc. At the same time, it also operates copper decoration projects such as copper flower decorations, copper decoration signs, copper stair supports, copper windows, copper relief murals, etc.
In fact, the reason why bronze doors are popular is very much related to their fine decoration, which is a modern enterprise engaged in the research and development, design, manufacturing and service of copper doors. At the same time, it also operates copper decoration projects such as copper flower decorations, copper decoration signs, copper stair supports, copper windows, copper relief murals and so on.
As an ancient art, copper art is used on copper doors, mainly some patterns and auspicious patterns after relief, hollowing out and forging. In addition, some European style copper doors today also draw on Western architectural decorative elements in detail carving. Compared with ordinary doors, copper doors do not have deformation and cracking problems, and have high-tech locks, which have good anti-theft performance and are easy to use.
为铜门配锁要考虑观性与性两个面。铜门质感,配锁也要庄重,不能流于平常。铜门用锁都要在上面作出装饰,如雕花、图案,以便与铜门相配,选择时尽量挑选与铜门气质相当高科技锁具。更多信息就来我们网站 //www.doveish.com获取吧。
The two aspects of observation and nature should be considered when matching locks for copper doors. The texture of the copper door should be dignified, and the lock should not be routine. The locks used for copper doors should be decorated on them, such as carved flowers and patterns, so as to match the copper doors. When choosing, try to choose high-tech locks that are quite similar to the temperament of the copper doors. Come to our website for more information // Get it.
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