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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-06-24 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The important point of maintaining the copper door is to maintain the special integrity of the exterior to prevent bumps and impacts. Generally, good products of copper doors are expensive, so we should pay special attention to them when using them. In the ordinary maintenance of copper doors, we can clean them with dry towels.
Although copper doors have natural corrosion protection, they are prone to chemical changes when encountering a large amount of sulfur and sulfide. Therefore, it should be reminded that if it is used outdoors, such as the villa gate, it should be wrapped in the outer frame of the door to prevent the corrosion of sulfide in the rain, so as to avoid rain and snow.
1. Clean the copper door frequently and wipe the dust on it to keep it clean. Note: do not use detergent containing chemicals that damage the paint protective layer.
2. If there is oil stain on the doors and windows, it can be cleaned with neutral detergent. Otherwise, it will cause great damage to the doors and windows.
3. Remove the dust and dirt in the inner corner of the copper door and window in time to prevent the door from opening well.
4. Don't knock on doors and windows with hard objects.
5. When opening and closing the same door, keep your attention and apply even force.
6. If it is found that the opening is not smooth during use, the cause shall be found and solved in time.
Routine maintenance shall generally prevent oxides and microorganisms from penetrating the copper door. The air contains a lot of dust and acid gas, and copper will be corroded in a humid environment. Therefore, wax can be applied on the copper door when it is clean and dry, which can block the air and prevent green copper rust from affecting the overall appearance.
The maintenance of Jinan copper door is very important. When the surface is particularly peeled off, the internal electrolytic plate will be exposed. When the electric heating plate contacts with oxygen in the air, oxidation reaction will occur, which will rust the electric heating plate and affect the beauty of the door.
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