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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-06-13 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
The copper door is composed of a steel structure framework, and the copper panel profile wrapped externally. T2 copper strip, which is easy to bend and plastic and not easy to crack, is a good profile for the copper door panel, which is widely used in copper doors. Although copper is an anti-corrosion material, it is still subject to further anti-corrosion treatment during the manufacture of copper doors; First wire drawing on the surface,
Then, the surface shall be cleaned for many times, and the surface of the panel profile shall be cut off from the corrosive materials to maintain the original color of the copper. The steel framework in the copper door shall be hot galvanized, and then the copper structure shall be welded and installed. In addition, the copper door shall also be welded and installed. After the workers investigate the detailed dimensions on site, they shall go back and cut materials according to the relevant data and drawings, and then install.
The price of the copper door is usually determined by the size of the door leaf, the thickness of the door panel, the complexity of the carved decoration and the grade of the lock. The price of products with large door leaf area and workmanship is naturally high. In addition, the locks, brass pullers and red copper pullers of copper doors can be matched separately. For example, they are also included in the total price together with copper doors.
The selection of copper door materials is fundamental, and the quality of manufacturing process is the key. Pay attention to check whether there are welding defects, such as open welding, no welding, missing welding, slag inclusion, etc. Check whether the joint between the door leaf and the door frame is dense, whether the clearance space is uniform, whether the opening is flexible, whether the joint is foraging, whether the paint plating is uniform and smooth, etc.
市面上的 济南铜门分、中档、普通三类。型面板材料为不锈钢板,花饰栅栏均为不锈钢型材,主框为不锈钢管制作;中档型一般采用圆钢材 和花饰相结合的组合形式;普通型则采用钢管、圆钢及扁钢(一6×4毫米)等材料。
Jinan Tongmen in the market are divided into three categories: medium-sized and ordinary. The panel is made of stainless steel plate, the flower fence is made of stainless steel profile, and the main frame is made of stainless steel pipe; The medium-sized type generally adopts the combination form of round steel and flower decoration; Steel pipe, round steel and flat steel (I.6 × 4 mm).
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