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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-05-27 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
In recent years, copper doors have been very popular. This is because they stand out in the market with the characteristics of fashion, beauty, durability and long service life. They are deeply loved by consumers. How much do you know about them? Do you know how to solve the problem of copper door rusting? I'm not sure. It doesn't matter. The copper door manufacturer will teach you some good ways to easily remove rust!
1. Vinegar bubble method
Wash the rusty copper door, pour a small amount of vinegar into a small dish, evenly brush it on it, and soak it as much as possible. After 24 hours, brush away the residual rust with a small brush, then wash the vinegar with clean water, wipe it clean and dry it in the shade.
2. Boiling water immersion method
Sometimes, the rusty copper is covered with a layer of soil rust that can not be lost after washing. At this time, the rusty copper can be put into the basin first, and then poured into the boiling water with the temperature of 80 ℃ to 90 ℃ until it is submerged. After 5 minutes, take it out, brush it with a small brush, and dry it in the shade. If the soil rust is serious, the water can be heated to boiling to make the soil rust fall off.
3. Dry brushing method
In case of shallow adhesion of copper rust or iron rust, chemical means such as vinegar soaking should be avoided as far as possible, and dry brushing can be used instead. The specific method is to select a large oil painting pen, cut the brown hair on the pen head to 0, 5-0, 7 cm away from the root, and then use it. First fix the rusty pen to be brushed, hold the root of the oil painting pen and brush it evenly. Pay attention to force, otherwise the effect is not good, and then wash it with clean water.
Most copper anti-theft doors combine the traditional anti-theft and entry doors into one, with novel format and advanced functions. They are very good in fire prevention, corrosion prevention, prying prevention and dust prevention.
After reading the three methods introduced by the copper door manufacturer to remove the rust of the copper door, have you learned it. In addition, we must strengthen the maintenance of the copper door at ordinary times, so as to effectively delay the aging and rusting of the copper door!
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