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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-05-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
After installing the copper door, it often gives people a sense of style and also provides a supporting surface for the owner. The professional supervisor is responsible for the general installation work. If you know the installation and precautions of the copper door, you can know the future supervision work. Next, we will work with the copper door manufacturer to understand the installation and precautions of the lower copper door.
1. First remove the door, put the door frame into the door hole with a level ruler, and check whether the door frame is normal. If the door leaf is not smooth, straighten the door frame with a wooden pad.
2. The space between the door frame and the wall shall be filled with wood chips to ensure the stability of the door frame. Pour the cement mortar into the door frame during installation. Once the cement mortar is cured and dried, the sawdust outside the door seal can be taken out for use. However, within 24 hours, the door opening times and door frame strength shall be minimized.
3. During the manufacturing and processing of the copper door, the surface of the copper door is generally painted for protection. The copper door finish has a good protective effect on the inner materials of the copper door, so be very careful during the installation of the copper door. Do not let hard or sharp objects collide with the copper door, otherwise the paint on the surface will be scratched. Even falling off will expose the raw materials to the outside for a long time, react with oxygen in the air and rust, affecting the appearance.
4. Although copper itself has corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, when installing copper doors, try to avoid using high oxidizing and strong corrosive chemicals on the construction site and avoid direct contact with copper doors. If you accidentally touch the surface of this product with chemicals, please immediately wash it with clean water and then dry it with a clean soft cloth. If necessary, spray detergent on the surface of the copper door for cleaning and maintenance.
5. The surface of new copper doors is usually covered with a layer of belly paper to protect the product. It is not necessary to take out the paper from the abdomen during installation to avoid damaging the door. For example, when decorating the wall, the cement dripping from the paint and other chemicals are applied on the wall, the copper door is prone to black stains and rust. The lower frame of the bronze door is also protected, and the U-shaped groove can be made of wood.
6. If a wall needs cleaning, seal the door and protect it with plastic film before cleaning the wall. In particular, some decorative materials, such as marble wall, will seriously damage the product after cleaning with oxalic acid and other chemicals, so this material cannot contact the surface of the copper door.
7、为避免胶膜粘在铜门上,安装应及时完成,并去除胶膜,以免影响美观。尝试在30 天内处理掉它。
7. In order to avoid the adhesive film sticking to the copper door, the installation shall be completed in time, and the adhesive film shall be removed to avoid affecting the appearance. Try to dispose of it within 30 days.
8. Do not put any grease in the key hole to avoid blocking the key hole. In case of failure to open the door normally or other problems affecting the use of the copper door, please contact the after-sales service department of the manufacturer in time.
9. Generally, the copper door should avoid direct contact with rain and sunshine, otherwise the service life of the copper door will be shortened if the frequency is too high.
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