当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题铜门氧化生锈真的全是产品质量问题吗? 常见问题


来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-05-11 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
铜门的外观断章大气,沉稳厚重,在别墅中使用的普遍较多。但是铜门发生氧化的情况基本上屡见不鲜,很多的消费者把铜门给买回去半年左右,发现同门居然出现了氧化生锈的现象,这样消费者十分的恼火,纷纷要求厂家维修铜门或者是更换同门。铜门厂家很苦逼 出现这类情况,业主、商家、厂家心里肯定都不爽,但是铜门氧化生锈真的全是产品质量问题吗?
The appearance of the copper door is broken and atmospheric, calm and thick, and it is widely used in villas. However, it is common for copper doors to be oxidized. Many consumers buy copper doors back for about half a year and find that the same door is oxidized and rusted. This makes consumers very angry and ask manufacturers to repair or replace the same door. The copper door manufacturers are very hard to force this kind of situation. The owners, merchants and manufacturers must be unhappy, but is the oxidation and rust of the copper door really a product quality problem?
Copper door maintenance
1. cement mortar
After the copper door is fixed by electric welding, it is generally necessary to pour cement mortar into the door frame for reinforcement. As the cement contains corrosive substances - silicate, most owners will ask the installer to help pour cement mortar for reinforcement after fixing the copper door in order to save trouble. Considering that the installer is not a professional cement worker, and the cement mortar pouring operation is improper, the mortar will be too full. Later, the mortar leakage will contact the copper door surface to corrode the paint layer, resulting in oxidation and rust of the copper door. Therefore, after the general copper door is reinforced, it is more appropriate to hand over such work as pouring cement mortar to professional plasterers to complete.
Copper door maintenance
2. marble glue
When ordering copper doors, some owners chose to use marble as door pocket in consideration of the price of copper doors or the overall decoration style. Marble sealant is often used for edge sealing and closing when pasting marble door pocket line. Because the marble sealant contains acid corrosive liquid, the workers' improper operation or carelessness caused the marble sealant to contact the surface of the copper door, which was not cleaned in time, which could easily lead to the oxidation and rust of the copper door.
3. humid air
Copper is an inert and corrosion-resistant precious metal, but copper is prone to oxidation and rust in humid environment. Especially in the south of China, the climate phenomenon of "going back to the South" will occur. Therefore, oxidation and rust will occur at the bottom of the copper door frame and door pocket in these areas for a long time.
4. improper daily maintenance
Before leaving the factory, the surface of copper doors will be pre oxidized. That is, spray baking protective paint on the surface of copper plate to prevent oxidation and rust on the surface of copper door. Under normal use, if the paint protective layer on the surface of the copper door is not damaged, the copper door will not be oxidized and rusted for a long time.
In fact, according to the data provided by many Shandong Tongmen manufacturers, many consumers do not maintain the copper doors properly in the process of using them, so over time, the copper doors will rust and oxidize. In fact, this is also a very normal phenomenon. If we want to use many things for a longer time, we need to maintain them regularly, not to mention the fragile copper doors.
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