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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-05-05 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1、 When the copper door in the consumer's home is accidentally scratched by the metal protective paint on the surface, after a long time, the copper inside will produce copper green after contacting the air, commonly known as "copper rust". If the copper door rusts, it is bound to affect the beauty of the copper door.
2、 The reason for the spots on the surface of the copper door may be that there is a problem with the paint quality on the surface, or the color is uneven due to improper operation steps during painting. This is one of the reasons, so when making copper doors, we can't save costs. Some parts of the paint is not enough, which is easy to make the paint fall off.
3、 In the process of making a copper door, the door frame is often painted without drying. The door frame will be embroidered after a long time. In fact, many copper door manufacturers can see this. Most of the time, they don't go through the oven in order to save time. In fact, if it is through the oven and the temperature is not sure, the surface of the copper door will turn yellow. Less customer complaints can increase some performance, and the competition in the market will be dominant.
4、 The copper door will also be treated with chemical liquid. After treatment, the chemical must be cleaned, otherwise black rust will appear in a long time.
5、 In the process of manufacturing copper doors, many manufacturers cut corners on work and materials in order to save hundreds of dollars, which leads to complaints from customers. Why bother. After the copper door is rusty, you have to send someone to repair it, which will cost a penny. Even if it is calculated according to hundreds of dollars per square meter, your cost of making the copper door is actually thousands of dollars more. Maybe you will lose a lot of potential customers because of rust, which is a big loss.
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The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan Tongmen. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide service for you with our attitude //
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