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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-04-21 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper door is a very popular door in the furniture industry, especially in the villa area. The appearance rate of copper door is very high. Our villas now basically use copper door, because the copper door looks luxurious and matches the style of villa. If you want the copper door to maintain the luxurious style all the time, you should often maintain the copper door. Let Zhejiang copper door manufacturers talk about the very important point of maintaining copper door.
The more important thing in the use of villa copper doors is that they need maintenance. In any case, the performance of copper doors is very ideal. When making villas or family houses, I believe more and more people will choose copper doors. Because of the material of the copper door itself, its maintenance is very important. If the paint on its surface falls off, the electrolytic plate inside will be exposed. Once the electrolytic plate contacts with oxygen in the air, oxidation reaction will occur, resulting in the rusting of the electrolytic plate and affecting the beauty of the door. A very important point in maintaining the copper door is to maintain the integrity of the external paint and prevent bumping and impact. This point, whether it is the products of the top ten brands of villa copper door or not, we need to do so.
In the ordinary maintenance of the copper door of the villa, it can be cleaned with a dry towel. However, detergent containing chemical components that damage the paint protective layer cannot be used for cleaning. It needs to be slow when opening and closing the copper door, which can largely avoid the damage of the protective layer of the villa copper door caused by the collision between the copper door and other things. For the rest, it is also necessary to prevent the corrosion of copper doors caused by the infringement of some oxidizing substances on its surface.
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The above is a detailed introduction about Shandong Tongmen. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service //
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