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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-03-29 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper is a very stable metal, and its corrosion resistance is very high, as long as compared with conventional methods. However, if the copper door is used outdoors, especially in the face of some weather beaten, snow and rain erosion, the copper door also needs proper maintenance, otherwise it will be a huge discount to the original life, and the degree of beauty will be damaged to a certain extent. After the installation of the copper door, the copper shall be subject to daily maintenance to extend the period of bronze.
1. For the installed copper door, if it is painted on the surrounding wall, one thing to do before use is to make a good cover. Avoid paint on the door, skin, disappear, appear on the surface of the material, damage the product and beauty.
2. In winter and spring, ensure a well ventilated room, keep the humidity in the room at the correct level, ensure that the copper is at the normal temperature and humidity, and prevent the rust of copper metal parts and the peeling of surface materials. We often use all kinds of winter heating equipment to keep warm. Pay attention to keep these equipment away from the bronze door to prevent the copper door from heating and deformation.
3. When using bronze, don't hang things too heavy on the door leaf. Don't scratch the copper door with sharp edges. Open and close to avoid too much damage or forced opening of copper angle.
4. When cleaning the dirt on the copper, blow it wet first, and then wipe it with a soft cloth. Avoid using a hard cloth to prevent scratches on the copper surface. If the stain is serious on the door, you can use an appropriate amount of neutral detergent or cleaning agent, such as toothpaste, and clean it in time after the stain is removed
In fact, the maintenance of copper doors is not difficult. As long as you usually pay careful attention, you can completely avoid the damage of copper doors! Let your bronze door be young forever!
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