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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-03-26 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
After buying a good copper door, there is no need to maintain it, but there are some floating powder on the surface, which must be cleaned by yourself. The daily cleaning of stainless steel copper door is particularly important. Direct teaching of copper door manufacturers.
Dust. The site where stainless steel copper doors are made generally has dust. There will be a lot of dust in the air falling on the surface of stainless steel copper doors. In this case, it can be wiped off with water. If there is dirt on the surface, it should be cleaned by steam.
Floating iron powder. Free iron will appear on the surface of the stainless steel copper door. The free iron will corrode the surface of the stainless steel copper door. At this time, the rust should be removed, not only dust, but also many sources of iron. The glass beads used in low alloy steel are treated by shot blasting, or the products of stainless steel and other equipment are ground. Protective measures should be taken for the stainless steel copper door during blanking, Prevent some iron from falling onto the surface of stainless steel copper door. Scratches can be easily treated with stainless steel lubricant in the copper door. When making stainless steel copper doors, if there is rust on the stainless steel copper door products, it indicates that the stainless steel copper doors have been seriously polluted and should be completely cleaned.
When the high-quality copper door comes out of the product, there will be no scratches and floating iron powder on the surface of the product, which requires more careful modern manufacturing to bring consumers trustworthy products and services.
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