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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-03-16 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
At present, many copper doors are processed, and the product quality is indeed uneven. Not all products can meet the needs of consumers. Some manufacturers use unqualified processing materials, so the quality of copper doors produced is very poor, which makes copper door users feel very sad. In order to let you choose reliable products, let's introduce the manufacturing materials of copper doors. I hope I can't help you!
1. Brass; Brass is also called copper zinc alloy. Brass is a kind of copper decoration, and its color is determined by the zinc content in the alloy. If the zinc content is high, the color of brass will tend to light yellow; If the zinc content is low, the color of brass is often yellow and red. Brass is widely used in machinery manufacturing because brass generally does not rust. In addition to being used as a copper door, it can even be used as a raw material for many mechanical parts.
2. Red copper; Red copper plays an important role in this kind of copper jewelry, and its copper content can reach 99%. Red copper has high plasticity and good corrosion resistance, so the cost performance of red copper is very high.
3. Bronze; Bronze is also called copper tin alloy. Among all kinds of copper decorative materials in the market, the corrosion resistance of zinc nickel material ranks first, while the corrosion resistance of bronze ranks second.
4. White copper; White copper is also known as copper nickel alloy. According to the function, the white copper alloy can also be subdivided into structural copper nickel alloy and electrical copper nickel alloy. Compared with these two alloys in mechanical properties, structural Cu Ni alloy is better than electrical Cu Ni alloy.
铜门于制作铜门的材料,以上内容已经向大家介绍过了,从中我们得知该产品的材料包括黄铜、白铜, 紫铜,青铜等。你可以根据上面的内容参考一下,希望上面的内容能对大家有所帮助,更加希望可以帮到大家选购到高质量的铜门,或还有不明白的地方以及想要了解更多关于铜门的安装以及后期维护措施,请多多关注我们网站的更新,将为你带来更多相关知识要点,期待您的访问吗,更加期待为您的服务!
As for the materials for making copper doors, the above contents have been introduced to you. From it, we know that the materials of the product include brass, white copper, red copper, bronze, etc. You can refer to the above content for reference. I hope the above content can be helpful to you. I hope it can help you buy high-quality copper doors, or you don't understand. If you want to know more about the installation and later maintenance measures of copper doors, please pay more attention to the update of our website, which will bring you more relevant knowledge points, Looking forward to your visit and more looking forward to serving you!
以上就是为大家介绍的有关 济南铜门的详细介绍,希望对您有所帮助.如果您有什么疑问的话,欢迎联系我们.我们将以的态度,为您提供服务 //
The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan Tongmen. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service //
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