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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-03-08 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
In real life, many consumers believe that villa copper door products will not rust. I think it's incredible that the copper door is rusty. I suspect it's a fake copper door. In fact, iron door rust is rust, while copper door rust is copper rust. So why are the copper doors of Chinese villas rusty?
1、 When the copper door in the consumer's home is accidentally scratched by the metal protective paint on the surface, after a long time, the copper inside will produce copper green after contacting the air, commonly known as "copper rust". If the copper door rusts, it is bound to affect the beauty of the copper door.
2、 The reason is that the paint on the door surface is not uniform, or there may be paint spots on the door surface. This is one of the reasons, so when making copper doors, we can't save costs. Some parts of the paint is not enough, which is easy to make the paint fall off.
3、 In the process of making a copper door, the door frame is often painted without drying. The door frame will be embroidered after a long time. In fact, this can be seen in many villa copper door production plants. Most of the time, it is to save time without baking. In fact, if it is through the oven and the temperature is not sure, the surface of the copper door will turn yellow. Less customer complaints can increase some performance and gain an advantage in the market competition.
4、 The copper door will also be treated with chemical liquid. After treatment, the chemical must be cleaned, otherwise black rust will appear over time.
5、 In the process of manufacturing copper doors, in order to save hundreds of dollars, many manufacturers cut corners on work and materials, and then attracted complaints from customers. Why bother. After the copper door rusts, someone has to be sent to repair it, which will cost a penny. If it is calculated according to hundreds of yuan per square meter, the cost of making the copper door is actually thousands of yuan more. Maybe you will lose a lot of potential customers because of rust, which is a big loss.
How to remove rust?
1、 Immersion derusting
When copper rusts for a long time, it will contain a layer of soil rust, which is difficult to wash off by conventional methods. Therefore, you need to apply a paint door towel on the rusty copper door and then brush it with a small soft brush. Note: wear insulating gloves during this process to prevent your hands from being scalded by boiling water. If you can't wash off the copper rust at one time, soak it repeatedly for several times.
2、 Dry brush derusting
Although the copper door has good corrosion resistance, if the copper door is not maintained for a long time, there will still be a layer of shallow copper rust in a few years. In case of such shallow copper rust, the anti-theft door can be dry brushed with a large brush or a soft paint brush. The brushing process should be forced evenly. After brushing, wash it with clean water and then dry it with a towel.
3、 Rust removal by knife scraping
If the copper rust is stubborn and cannot be brushed off with a brush, you can scrape it off with a knife. It's very difficult. If you are careless, it's easy to scratch the surface of the copper door. So please don't try. The method is also very simple. Replace the brush with a knife and gently scrape the copper rust. The speed must be slow, gentle and step by step.
4、 Rust removal with vinegar
If the copper rust trace on the copper door is deep, the vinegar bubble method can be used to remove the rust. Aeruginosa is alkaline. It can be well removed after neutralization reaction with acidic vinegar. Take a small bowl, pour in half a bowl of vinegar, then wash the rusty part of the copper door with clean water, and then dip the vinegar with a towel and apply it on the copper rust. After 20 hours, remove the remaining rust with a brush, clean the stainless steel door with clean water, and wipe dry the rusty part of the copper door. If none of the above methods can remove the stubborn copper rust on your copper door, you can only ask the copper door factory for help. Ask the copper door factory to dismantle the copper door and return to the factory for repainting, so as to restore the luster of the copper door. This method does not need too much money. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the copper door slightly, which can at least greatly prolong the service life and beauty of the copper door.
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