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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-03-03 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Jinan Tongmen can be said to be a very atmospheric decorative door, with a strong classical charm and unique connotation. In addition, the copper door has high anti-theft performance and can be regarded as a professional "Guardian". So what are the values and characteristics of copper doors?
1、 Copper doors have the following use values:
1. Anti theft: the copper door is equipped with high-tech lock, which has better anti-theft performance.
2. Practicability: copper is a very stable metal with high corrosion resistance. Copper doors are more durable than ordinary doors. They not only have no deformation and cracking problems, but also have a longer service life.
3. Beauty: the popularity of bronze doors is largely related to their exquisite decoration technology. Refined copper technology is mainly used for embossing, hollowing out and forging copper doors with patterns and auspicious patterns.
2、 Characteristics of Jinan copper door:
1. Good color effect. If your inner door is made of copper, you will have some unique textures. In addition, color will make you never achieve the same decoration and texture as other materials. Sometimes, designers are dyed or colored to enhance their artistic atmosphere and beauty
2. Other things that make them smooth make them look smooth and moving. You may have seen ancient buildings, which often appear on the bronze doors of villas. Despite centuries of history, this era is as bright as the new one.
3. This is a great advantage that needs almost no maintenance. It can be concluded from the installation of the inner doors that they require little maintenance. Of course, this material is sensitive to moisture, but it can be easily used for preventive maintenance. The service life of villa copper doors will increase in many ways. If the top coat can be applied, the service life will be greatly extended. Inner doors usually have the chance of scratches and dents because they are less exposed. Whether it is a copper door or an external attack from nature or human beings, the surface of the door should be properly sealed, which can miraculously prove its working strength and durability.
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