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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-02-10 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1. The natural performance of commercial office buildings, institutions and villas is also excellent, and the size of the gate is moderate. It is the facade of a house. It should be smooth and bright. From ancient times to today, emperors and ancient buildings have left bright, wide and flat copper products, which should not be dim and complex. The size of the door is the same as that of the house, and the copper door combines anti-theft and entry into the house, which should not only match the size of the pattern. The door of the house is small, or the door of the house is large. The style is advanced, and it should be moderate in sterilization, fire prevention, anti-corrosion, anti prying and bad luck. The door of the house is large, and the air comes out immediately. It has excellent performance in dust prevention. Come on, it's easy to lose money if you can't keep it. If it is too small, although money will not leak, people will become narrow-minded, stingy and unlucky, so the size of the door should be moderate.
2. Don't have other people's roofs, cornices, animal heads, roads and other unlucky things shooting at the front of the door. If it is a shot from the road, if it is in line with Yuan Yun's Qi, it will be auspicious, and it is known as "a priceless treasure in the music palace". The impact of the road is not consistent with the yuan Yun, so it can be blocked by trees or the gate can be shifted. The sheltered trees should not be too high, otherwise the breath mouth is covered, the Yin Qi is too abundant, and the main disease.
3. The front of the house should not face the ancestral temple or temple. Generally speaking, the ancestral temple is the residence of gods and ghosts. Yin Qi is very heavy. Yin Qi is heavy, that is, evil Qi is heavy. The door needs to be opened in the angry side, that is, where Yang Qi is heavy. Therefore, the door facing the ancestral temple should be avoided; If the ancestral temple is behind the house, it is not suitable. People who are prone to psychics, alcoholics, delirious and idle.
4. The door is facing the sharp corner of the ridge of the opposite house. It looks like a sharp blade. It is not only extremely harmful to the health of people in the house, but also affects the friendship between people and the wealth of the family.
5. The door should not be sheltered by big trees. The doorway is the air outlet of the whole house, through which good air can be introduced. If it is blocked by a big tree, the ventilation is poor, the Yang air cannot enter and the Yin air cannot come out, and the sun is covered, which makes the house cloudy and wet, so it is fierce. Trees should not be covered to the roof with too many branches, which will affect ventilation and sunshine and make the house damp.
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