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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-01-18 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper doors need attention on the scrubbing and ventilation surfaces, and attention should also be paid to other parts of the decoration house, so as not to affect the application of copper doors. It is also the impression of our family to our brothers and guests. Therefore, now we pay great attention to its technology. If we want to make the iron door into an imitation brass door, our step is to remove the rust on it first, and paint the brass gold powder after applying a layer of Fang rust paint.
When it's dry, brush the door with a brush stained with black matt paint,
But don't paint them all black, and don't be too regular. This is an ordinary copper imitation method, and manufacturers have the ability to operate it. Today's copper door manufacturers generally before painting Fang stolen doors,

Pickling and phosphating process, because the structure of Fang stolen copper door is complex, it is generally welded with hot rolled pipes, hot rolled plates, forgings and cold plates, so it is difficult to spray it,
所以在上漆以前进行除油除锈都是进行fang铜的时候的1部,要是这1步?有做好的话,过了1段时间以后上面的油漆掉了,这样铜门的观受到了影响 .
Therefore, oil and rust removal before painting is a part of Fang copper. What if this step? If it is done well, the paint on it will fall off after a period of time, which will affect the view of the copper door
如今的铜门外表特征工: 将高明的技能与现代高科技完满,铜门厂家能够让有限的场所蒸发的魅力。因而,铜门给咱们的是1种潜在的魅力,并不单单是1种外表的,
The appearance characteristics of today's copper door workers: the perfect combination of sophisticated skills and modern high technology, copper door manufacturers can evaporate the charm of limited places. Therefore, the copper door gives us a potential charm, not just an appearance,
Jinan Tongmen factory
It is not only a display of civilization, but also a disclosure of identity. "Tongmen" is a work with deep inner meaning. It is not a construction material, but a work of art, and its inner meaning is inseparable from copper technology.
以上就是今天小编给大家提供的精彩内容,更多的精彩内容请点击进入我们的网站: 济南铜门//
The above is the wonderful content provided by Xiaobian today. For more wonderful content, please click to enter our official website: Jinan Tongmen //
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