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来源: //www.doveish.com日期:2022-01-07 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
1. When using the copper door, do not hang heavy objects on the door leaf or avoid sharp objects from being scratched or scratched. When opening or closing the door leaf, do not often use too much force or too large opening angle to avoid damaging the copper door.
2. Do not often use hands with water stains (or other solutions) to open the door lock, so as to prevent the door lock from changing color. Do not use excessive force when opening the door lock or turning the door lock handle, so as to reduce the service life of the door lock. Hinges, door locks and other frequently moving hardware accessories shall be tightened immediately in case of looseness. When the door lock doesn't open properly, you can add an appropriate amount of pencil lead foam to the key hole, and remember to lubricate it with something like edible oil.
3. (glass copper door) when wiping the glass, do not make the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass strip to avoid the deformation of the strip. Do not use excessive force when wiping the glass, so as to avoid glass damage and personal injury. If the glass is damaged or there is a big bump, it must be repaired by professional maintenance personnel.
4. When removing stains (such as fingerprints) on the surface of the copper door, it can be wiped with a soft cloth after being moistened by steam. It is easy to scratch the surface with a hard cloth. When the stains are too heavy, neutral detergent, toothpaste or special cleaning agent for furniture can be used. After decontamination, it can be wiped immediately. The edges and corners of the copper door shall not be frequently rubbed to avoid fading and damage of the finishing materials at the edges and corners. When removing dust from wooden products, if it is inconvenient to wipe with soft cotton cloth, vacuum cleaner can be used to remove it. In order to maintain the surface luster and service life of the copper door, it shall be cleaned and dedusted regularly, and the surface can be cured with a special curing liquid for wooden decoration products.
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